

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sama tp x serupa

Beza sikit Kali ni....
Mabuk tetap mabuk
Tp ape yg aku suke makan...
JD x bole makan...
Mende yg aku x de la suka sgt...
Tp... Kena makan.... Sbb..
Bole ilangkan kesan kemabukan...

Tu bab makan...
Yg ln tu...

Byk kot jerawat besar2
Timbul kt muke ni...
Kulit muke cam kertas pasir...
Huhuhu... Sabar je la...
Rase x jelita lgsung...

Tibe2 kt area2 ln pn...
Kulit jd naik gatal2..
Arghhh...x cantik....

X pe la... Besa, pas bersalin...
Everything will instantly back to normal
So, at the moment mmg embracing
Everysecond of my preggy moments dgn
Hati yg tenang n senyummmm....

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


i'm blessed...

being in my 9th weeks n 31 weeks more to go..
i'm not feeling well. morning sickness during noon n night..
i'm hungry but have no appetite at all. i need to eat though,
if not, i'll be sick the whole minutes, hours n days...

it's hard but i'm loving it.

i feel ugly but i don't care..
i know the rewards is way more priceless..
i know that i'm going to have the most precious gift
in the end of this phase...

who am i to complaint?
i'm not complaining but i'm thanking
ALLAH SWT for this greatest gift of love...

hope to go through this journey smoothly...
just like my past experience wif my two girls..

i know ALLAH loves me..

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Alhamdulillah.... Praising ALLAH SWT

A gift/ a sweet reward from ALLAH... Berkat kesabaran, in the end ALLAH give me this... Syukur padamu ya ALLAH...

Let the picture speak for itself...


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


LEWAT LAAAHHHH... saya tak kisah.....
jgn datang terus OK!!!!
saya dh TAK SUDI nak tengok kamu
saya dah TAK NAK uruskan kamu..


pergilah kamu jauh-jauh
n please don't come back yet...
not this time....
not yet.... pls b kind to me...


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Waits... Patiently

Alhamdulillah.. We made it....
Now have to patiently wait..
For the result..
Hope it hit the target....

In shaa ALLAH....  the successful of the science project dat weve done is now depends on ALLAH's will.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Happy Anniversary....SiFar

It's year 5 of our marriage....
thanks for everything
Happy Anniversay Dear...

Monday, August 25, 2014

Kamelia Sofea

Alhamdulillah my lil sister Karimah had safely deliver a bby girl this morning @640am @ 3kg

I'm so happy for u... Take a real good care of ur bby n urself too.

Tahniah Karimah n Sele on ur new arrival...

My babies!!! Missing u all so very much!!!

Dear my love Balqis n my love Zara....

How r u today?
Mommy wanted 2 apologise 2 both of u...
I'm really sorry that I didn't come back 4 both of u last weekend. Mommy knows though that both of u r doing just fine...
Mommy only wants the best for both of u.

Mommy loves both of u so very much that no loves in this world could compare the love I have for both of u....
Mommy knows that ALLAH is taking a real good care of both of u....

Hugs n kisses....

Friday, August 22, 2014

Eid Mubarak @ office celebration a.k.a CKUB open house

CKUB Aidilfitri celebration. My last raya as CKUB staff. If I came back ..I'll be back as 1 of the guest of honor hahahaha....

I'm gonna miss u all so much n thanks for being such a wonderful friends.....

Monday, August 11, 2014

so sad....

Yes i knew....
i'm  not sure whether u know i knew or not....
i hope u will not do that again...
i pray hard... i pray n pray... will always pray....

why u delete my pics? our pics?

u made me sad... why did u this?
u promise not to.... but u still do it...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Anniversary comes early this year....

Our Anny supposed to be on the 22nd Sept yearly...

But....accordg to Muslim calendar, it was on the 4th of Syawal every year....

Happy 5th anniversary Mr hubby, my darling,my love, my dearest, my 1 n only, love of my life, my soul, my heart, my bestfren... Mohd Farid Abdul Razak...

Thanks So very much for entertaining me, be a good company to me too during our last trip to genting...even tho genting was not fun at all, to have u by my side was perfect enuff for me....

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I miss u!!!!

I dunno whether d decision 2 send both of my precious back 2 my hometown is good r bad..

My instinct tell me dat they'r doin' fine...
They'll be better there compare to here.
I'm not a good mother to them....but I do love them so very much...

I love my dotters soo much that I had to decide wat best for both of them... Due to latest circumstances, I have to...

Balqis n Zara my love... Mama love u so very much. I will be back every weekend for both of u until the day of the great news arrive... I will b back for good n we will never be apart from each other again... Mama will never leave u...

Both of u b good okay.... Mama knows dat u guys will. Both of u r d greatest that ever happen to me. ALLAH's greatest gift, heaven's sent....

Tunggu mama ye sayang... Mama rindukn kamu berdua sgt2..... Jgn nakal2 ye... Nanti kt semua akn kembali brsama semula... In shaa ALLAH...

Love n hugs n kisses,

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Aidilfitri 2014

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri from Us the family... Farid+Siti+Balqis+Zara (hopefully more additional)

May ALLAH SWT bless us always n forever wif a lot of loves, honesty, pureness, trust n all d good things an may all the bad things will go far far away n never comeback to our lives ever again...

Happy anniversary to both of us..Farid n Ct 4th of Syawal....

Saturday, July 26, 2014


This could b our last
Can u promise to make it the best?
The most memorable 1 for us...
I will not demand anything...
It's all up to you..
Only u can decide..
I'm powerless..

Monday, July 14, 2014


I need a warranty, guarantee...
Not only for appliances r goods but
for my life....
For the sake of so many people's future...
I refuse to take all d blame..
So, as for my own satisfactions n ALLAH I will try to hold on until the end r till I can...

Hopefully d day will come sooner than I thought and everything between n about us will definitely b fine again...I know ALLAH always with me... He knew my strength n he knew my limits... This matters will come to it closure when HE say so.... In shaa ALLAH...
Hope for the best for us....

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Palestine di serang lagi...

Luluh hati.... Hancur berkecai....
I could not watch....
I just can bear only to read bout the news....

Why r u so mean? Where r ur humanity huh?
U may have ur bullets, guns, high tech weapons but u must remember we have ALLAH SWT...
U may think u r the greatest now but just don't forget that ALLAH is beyond everything....

I hate u n all of ur roots... May all of u rot in hell!

Palestine u will b free... One day... Sooner.... In shaa ALLAH

Thursday, July 3, 2014


It's here again n Alhamdulillah with HIS will....
i still get to b part of it..

Hoping for the 'barkah' this holy month of Ramadhan..
pray dat ALLAH will bless me always n hope
that all of my recent n current casualties will end and
bring me the greatest closure so dat i could breath

i've learn my mistake and i will not repeat..
Dear ALLAH... pls forgive me...
i want to start a new life... i want to leave all
the bads behind me and i hope it gone forever
till the end of time.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

apa lagi yang mampu aku lakukan???


Monday, June 16, 2014

WORLD CUP 2014 - Brazil..

Last time, world cup situation was like this....
This time around, world cup situation is like this...

WC dh start, in fact tomorrow 2nd round dh...

selamat berworld cup semua.. may the best team win...
who ever win, each n every team mmg dh menang pon..
so, dunt b sad, gain d effort n try d best in the next WC..

my team in no particular order...
Belgium (folo hubby..katanye dis year, team ni menyerlah)

Friday, June 13, 2014

DOA..DOA.. DOA n teruskan berDOA..

senjata paling ampuh...

DOA org yg teraniaya, doa yang in sha ALLAH paling mustajab...
dengan izinNYA dimakbulkan....
sehingga itu, teruskan berDOA dan teruskan berSABAR...

pahit dahulu... manisnya akan menyusul..

Yakinlah dengan kekuasaanNYA...

Monday, June 2, 2014

Bukan... ini bukan mimpi... nope, not april fool jgk!.. april dh lama lepas...

Yup, so pathetic.. I know..
Bersudi pada yg tak sudi....
Jika dulu begitu, sekarang sebaliknya...
How can I adapt? I don't know...
I'm trying n I will never stop trying...
I will not give up n I refused to give up...
Deep down, it's hurting me so bad..
Never in my life, who would've thot that
I had to face this casualties...
I've never ask to be in this position...
As much as I wanted to believe this....

ok... somebody, pls pinch me, r better punch me in d face..

nope, confirm u r not in a dream...

hope 2 wake up where I left, where there's nothing happened....
if only i could turn back time....

Susahnya.....sob.. sob...

Monday, March 31, 2014

Double Bday Celebration!!!

Dua2 Anakanda born in March...(follow papa bday month) hehehe..
so, double celebrationlah...

Selamat Hari Lahir yang pertama buat cik Zara Arissa (31 Mac 2013)...
Selamat Hari Lahir yang ketiga buat cik Balqis Adzra (17 Mac 2011)..
Semoga manjadi anak yang solehah, menjadi kebanggaan papa n mama,
bijak, baik, cemerlang, cantik luar n dalam dan segalanya... 
semoga kalian diberkati dan sentiasa di bawah lindungan ALLAH SWT

Papa n Mama always love u both...
hugs n kisses 2 both of u...