

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Et clinic...

Just now misi tnye... Bile mau blk kg.
N yet I'm still hesitate to answer her due
to my tasks situation. Hope dat everything
will go as wat I hav been planning. it's very
important as time really2 am very precious.

Last nite couldn't really sleep. Then, when I
fall asleep I had a dream. I was at the hospital
P.puteh n nobody where there to company me accept my frenz whom I knew back in mrsm pt. No famili n no hubby. I was the first to arrive at the ward. It sadden me to see other mothers
were companies by their famili n hubby. Jeles
but had to accept the situation. Hope for my real
situation will definitely turn opposite from my bad dream. I hav no idea of wat the dream means but
I wish everything is going to turns out just fine n great.

38 weeks n counting...

Tomorrow will meet misi again...
Dunno the result yet but hoping for
my health n condition are at it best!
Gonna take some medications tonite..

Owh... Bought myk yu yee, bm storage,
breast pump, drapolene n some other
baby stuff. Need to buy my needs too
but must wait for my gaji 1st... Hehe..

This evening.. 2 job tasks done n fwd
to my boss already.. Yeay to me!!

Stamped for ptptn agreement already..
Faxed claim letter to spnb but not yet
mail them.. Huhuhu... Had no time...
Guarantee letter r all signed... Yeay!

My delayed tasks due to time constraints:
1) pos laju letter to spnb n cb land n the sk
2) pos laju agreement to ptptn
3) go to cimb to register prime plan n b their VIP
4) works- kpk n phk n payment for lhdnm, payment for polytechnic
5) apply for leave...
6) email to ptm to delete data in skala for lhdnm

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Task to settle before my looonggg holiday..

i'm in 37 weeks n i hav to b ready at all time.
must be alert...

need to settle dis 1st..


1) 5s
2) teach n advice on projects to syiqin
3) v.o LHDNM
4) v.o matriks
5) payment tamil zon 2

1) surat claim to spnb..
2) stamping n send aggreement to ptptn

1) minyak yu yee
2) Drapolene
3) plastic bag to keep my bm
4) breast pump?

Monday, February 7, 2011

uiks... et work o'ready

feels like yesterday i was at KG. oh.. time so
fast... why? mood for working not yet started.
aduh.... balik office je keje banyak.. why? coz
i had to deal wif 5S. dh la x brape bley nk pick
up heavy things.. so, move slowly la.. if not... i'll
be the suckest of all peeps around. dpt anugerah
staff paling x kemas, messy, serabut n kotor...
who wants that? huhuhu... wif my conditions..
i had to bare it all. n no complaints please....

oh... so happy though coz our solat hajat berjalan
lancar. everybody was very helpful. thanks ma n
papa for their willingness to help her helpless dother..
hehehe... thanks to my hubby for sharing the burden
n the majlis fund too. thanks my siblings for always
there to help me throughout the majlis. thanks to my
relatives especially cik yah, mok long, cik nah n
the rest too... to my in laws for being there n memeriahkan
majlisku yang tak seberape itu... n last but not least
to all peeps yg sudi hadir utk solat hajat n pray for my
health. may God bless u all n bless me too..
insyaALLAH diringankan bebanku semasa bersalin
n ev'rything selamat... aminn...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

mood for balik kampung....

tomorrow, i'll be on my way to balik kampung.
it's going to be a long weekend as the CNY
will be on this comin' Thursday n Friday.
my heart n soul is apparently no longer in
office coz it is now @ kampung...
hihihihi.. so happy nak balik kampung.

so many activities n so many things to settle.

ya ALLAH, selamatkan perjalanan kami
pagi esok dan jauhi kami dari sebarang malapetaka.
biarlah perjalanan kami direstui oleh-Mu ya ALLAH.
semoga kami adik beradik selamat pergi n selamat
sampai.... Aminnn...