SKT stand for ;
or in english - performance review for year end....
but for me... SKT can be defined as SaKiT..
hehehe... Sakit hati due to Internet problems...
totally sakit hati when... dah siap isi tetibe
hang or time out. owh... terase mau hempas
pc ke lantai... plus... cannot fill the SKT
at home coz it's only applicable via office pc
sahaja.. that's sgt menyusahkan... if not, dh lame
since last 2 weeks till today... it's still a big problems
to everyone at the office. if it is not so important, i'll
be like... ah.. wat the heck.. let it be.... but... it's
totally important. my career is depending to it, my
so pls2 n pls dear pc n internet connection be kind.
so dat, me n my frens can finish our SKT...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Our 1st home.. n wat we did last weekend...
not actually our home... it will be our 1st time to rent a house
it's near my sis house. in fact in a same Taman.
i just can't live far from my sibling coz i knew n realize
dat i'm no independent. my day to day activity rely so much
on my sis plus, more importantly is... i love my nephew so much,
that i culd not accept the fact we had to separate. lambat laun, ya!
i knew we will tp in d meant time... no... uppy's to precious n i
will not let anybody to harm him. he's an angel to me so it's my
responsible n obligation to make sure he will be at his best condition.
back to the house. we have been eying n hunting for the houses
since last bulan puasa. but takde rezeki..the house was a low cost
house. Double strorey wif 3 bedrooms, a toilet n a shower.
it is small but we can accept it... ala, utk permulaan..lagipon umah yg
i hav bought in shah alam since last 2008 tamau siap2... putus hangin...
dah la kecik tp lembap nak siap. if siap pon, i dunt want to live there.
the developer is SPNB.. hampeh.. thot GLC culd help people like
me in owning a house tp... hampeh..
1st option was the house rite in front of my sis's house. it's own
by this Indian couple. i heard that the couple wanted to rent for
RM330/month. tp sejauh mn kbenaran, x sure. the house was equip
with an A/C dlm master b'room je n ready installed awning for car porch.
tunggu punye tunggu the owner datang, tapi tak datang.. x tau la...
tolak rezeki agaknya... no. phone number huhuhu..
2nd option, belong to a malay couple. they had move to other residence..
previewed the whole house butttt.. ekkkkkkk... tak boleh di sewa due to..
so many excuses!... 1 of them... they want to remain their old stuff in one
the room. pastu, umah was soo busuk due to tikus mati? then semut
were all over. we had to clean ourself in n outside especially the
backyard yg sgt2 teruk....lagi? ade some old furniture.. really old
n ugly they said we can use them but cannot buang!.. what?!
the 3rd, belong to a chinese kapel. the house was still rented by other
family at the mo. but they want to move. we waited n waited for 3 months..
the next thing we know.... x nak sewakan rupenye... just for sale... huhu...
the 4th?... hehehe... finally we got it. we'll be moving this comin'
nu year..bought furnitures already... hahahaha... citer furniture pon
sadis n funny jugek...bought them for RM3,099.99 from cavenzi.
Purchased last year 17 july. the package including 2 set queen bedroom,
living n dining room set, a shoe rack n a multi purpose rack. pay them via
12months installment with no interest. more than a year later... i called the
cavenzi caw. carrefour USJ but nobody answer. luckily i went to search
for another alternative n got a hp no. which belong to one of the staff, Razak.
I called n he answer. i told the story behind my purchased. he was nice, x
de mrh2 walopon i expected differently sbb dh over a year baru nak col n
ask them to deliver the products. dia soh ke cavenzi bdr botanic, bcoz he's
working there now.
so, last weekend.. me n hubby along wif jiera n mimah.. went there...
luckily the people there welcome us n the branch manager who was thai
origin, layan us all dengan baik.. =)...he showed us the bedroom sets n all
the furniture n replace some of the item yg dh obsolete. then we bought 2
tilam.... n 2 dining chairs. yeay!....ade lagi yg berkenan d hati tp bile
memikirkan umah tu very2 small n limited spaces...i had to listen to my hubby...
hubby pay for the tilam for us, i pay for the 2 dining chairs n mimah pay for
her tilam. yeay n they cost us for RM1,236.00. set the dilevery date n we were
all hepi.. hehehe...
pas tu perut mule berkeroncong coz since this morning we had not
consume any breakfast. hubby ajak to try chinese food called 'HOMSI'
@ section 13, very near to the Tesco Extra shah alam. kami makan n
makan x hengat.. the food was sedap...can be recommend to others n
we'll definitely come again. lepas makan, kami solat at the restaurant,
when my hubby punye turn utk solat (had to share the prayer room)
kami pon jalan2 to the next shop, little egypt. aku pon boli laaaaa this
decorated mirror which was not too big n not too small but nice enuff.
only costed me RM100 after bargaining wif the tokey kedai. original
price was RM140. so heppi =)... hubby sengeh je aku beli hehehe....
then, next stop we went to mydin USJ utk beli some of house stuff n
most importantly baby's stuff. shoppin' sampai x de duit hehehehe...
total bill RM5++.++. tetibe mengcomparekan the price dengan price
mase warehouse anakku ari tu. tak smpi 5 ratus but we bought loads n
loads of stuff. tetibe rase bertuah sbb pegi jugak to the warehouse sale
wlopon hesitated @ 1st n we do saved a lots!
so skang masuk citer umah balik. the next day tu, me n hubby went
to hardware store, near to our house n beli some paints. mau cat rumah
so dat the rumah eventho x baru, akan nampak baru wif the nu painting...
hopefully =). cubela sedaye upaya to make the rented house as home
as possible hehehehe... ala not much pon coz i'm going to be in the
house during weekend n bile hubby balik aje... the rest of weekdays...
still merempat d rumah orang. x kuasa nk stay home alone.. uhuhuhu..
x besa..n tanak biasakan.. hehehe..
last monday, saya cuti (habiskan cuti tahunan) n took the opportunity
utk start the painting activity wif the help of jiera (master), uppy comel
(penyeri) hehehehe... thanks to her for making my life easier!! so, 1st
floor most of the dinding were all painted wif undercoat except dinding
dekat tangga coz quite hard. n the next day walopon aku x cuti, jiera n
uppy n yasmin continue to paint n berjaya menyiapkan dinding dekat
tangga tu...tenkiu laaaaggggiiiii...
cant' wait for tomorrow sebb esok cuti. walopon jumaat... our PM
has announce n declared that esok cuti umum due to Malaysia'n
football/soccer team won AFF Suzuki Cup for the 1st time...
congrats to the team n thanks sooo much! korang x menang,
kami x cuti... tp korang menang... yay!
it's near my sis house. in fact in a same Taman.
i just can't live far from my sibling coz i knew n realize
dat i'm no independent. my day to day activity rely so much
on my sis plus, more importantly is... i love my nephew so much,
that i culd not accept the fact we had to separate. lambat laun, ya!
i knew we will tp in d meant time... no... uppy's to precious n i
will not let anybody to harm him. he's an angel to me so it's my
responsible n obligation to make sure he will be at his best condition.
back to the house. we have been eying n hunting for the houses
since last bulan puasa. but takde rezeki..the house was a low cost
house. Double strorey wif 3 bedrooms, a toilet n a shower.
it is small but we can accept it... ala, utk permulaan..lagipon umah yg
i hav bought in shah alam since last 2008 tamau siap2... putus hangin...
dah la kecik tp lembap nak siap. if siap pon, i dunt want to live there.
the developer is SPNB.. hampeh.. thot GLC culd help people like
me in owning a house tp... hampeh..
1st option was the house rite in front of my sis's house. it's own
by this Indian couple. i heard that the couple wanted to rent for
RM330/month. tp sejauh mn kbenaran, x sure. the house was equip
with an A/C dlm master b'room je n ready installed awning for car porch.
tunggu punye tunggu the owner datang, tapi tak datang.. x tau la...
tolak rezeki agaknya... no. phone number huhuhu..
2nd option, belong to a malay couple. they had move to other residence..
previewed the whole house butttt.. ekkkkkkk... tak boleh di sewa due to..
so many excuses!... 1 of them... they want to remain their old stuff in one
the room. pastu, umah was soo busuk due to tikus mati? then semut
were all over. we had to clean ourself in n outside especially the
backyard yg sgt2 teruk....lagi? ade some old furniture.. really old
n ugly they said we can use them but cannot buang!.. what?!
the 3rd, belong to a chinese kapel. the house was still rented by other
family at the mo. but they want to move. we waited n waited for 3 months..
the next thing we know.... x nak sewakan rupenye... just for sale... huhu...
the 4th?... hehehe... finally we got it. we'll be moving this comin'
nu year..bought furnitures already... hahahaha... citer furniture pon
sadis n funny jugek...bought them for RM3,099.99 from cavenzi.
Purchased last year 17 july. the package including 2 set queen bedroom,
living n dining room set, a shoe rack n a multi purpose rack. pay them via
12months installment with no interest. more than a year later... i called the
cavenzi caw. carrefour USJ but nobody answer. luckily i went to search
for another alternative n got a hp no. which belong to one of the staff, Razak.
I called n he answer. i told the story behind my purchased. he was nice, x
de mrh2 walopon i expected differently sbb dh over a year baru nak col n
ask them to deliver the products. dia soh ke cavenzi bdr botanic, bcoz he's
working there now.
so, last weekend.. me n hubby along wif jiera n mimah.. went there...
luckily the people there welcome us n the branch manager who was thai
origin, layan us all dengan baik.. =)...he showed us the bedroom sets n all
the furniture n replace some of the item yg dh obsolete. then we bought 2
tilam.... n 2 dining chairs. yeay!....ade lagi yg berkenan d hati tp bile
memikirkan umah tu very2 small n limited spaces...i had to listen to my hubby...
hubby pay for the tilam for us, i pay for the 2 dining chairs n mimah pay for
her tilam. yeay n they cost us for RM1,236.00. set the dilevery date n we were
all hepi.. hehehe...
pas tu perut mule berkeroncong coz since this morning we had not
consume any breakfast. hubby ajak to try chinese food called 'HOMSI'
@ section 13, very near to the Tesco Extra shah alam. kami makan n
makan x hengat.. the food was sedap...can be recommend to others n
we'll definitely come again. lepas makan, kami solat at the restaurant,
when my hubby punye turn utk solat (had to share the prayer room)
kami pon jalan2 to the next shop, little egypt. aku pon boli laaaaa this
decorated mirror which was not too big n not too small but nice enuff.
only costed me RM100 after bargaining wif the tokey kedai. original
price was RM140. so heppi =)... hubby sengeh je aku beli hehehe....
then, next stop we went to mydin USJ utk beli some of house stuff n
most importantly baby's stuff. shoppin' sampai x de duit hehehehe...
total bill RM5++.++. tetibe mengcomparekan the price dengan price
mase warehouse anakku ari tu. tak smpi 5 ratus but we bought loads n
loads of stuff. tetibe rase bertuah sbb pegi jugak to the warehouse sale
wlopon hesitated @ 1st n we do saved a lots!
so skang masuk citer umah balik. the next day tu, me n hubby went
to hardware store, near to our house n beli some paints. mau cat rumah
so dat the rumah eventho x baru, akan nampak baru wif the nu painting...
hopefully =). cubela sedaye upaya to make the rented house as home
as possible hehehehe... ala not much pon coz i'm going to be in the
house during weekend n bile hubby balik aje... the rest of weekdays...
still merempat d rumah orang. x kuasa nk stay home alone.. uhuhuhu..
x besa..n tanak biasakan.. hehehe..
last monday, saya cuti (habiskan cuti tahunan) n took the opportunity
utk start the painting activity wif the help of jiera (master), uppy comel
(penyeri) hehehehe... thanks to her for making my life easier!! so, 1st
floor most of the dinding were all painted wif undercoat except dinding
dekat tangga coz quite hard. n the next day walopon aku x cuti, jiera n
uppy n yasmin continue to paint n berjaya menyiapkan dinding dekat
tangga tu...tenkiu laaaaggggiiiii...
cant' wait for tomorrow sebb esok cuti. walopon jumaat... our PM
has announce n declared that esok cuti umum due to Malaysia'n
football/soccer team won AFF Suzuki Cup for the 1st time...
congrats to the team n thanks sooo much! korang x menang,
kami x cuti... tp korang menang... yay!
Friday, December 24, 2010
congrats to my sis..
the date was 24th Dec 2010.
my oldest sis, Roslawati, Wati @ Kak Ti
gave birth to a baby boy but dunno the name yet.
due to complication, my sis undergo an operation.
EDD is actually around 3rd Jan 2011.
the baby was put under observation due to underweight.
he was only 1.75kg but Alhamdulillah, both mother n
baby were healthy.
my sister is in her forty n she got a severe asthma.
may be this wuld be her last..since she already got
3 boys n 3 all d complcations really fret us all.
so, to my sis n her hubby (BIL) n family - congrats ya
4 d nu born.. take of the baby baik2, elok2....
my oldest sis, Roslawati, Wati @ Kak Ti
gave birth to a baby boy but dunno the name yet.
due to complication, my sis undergo an operation.
EDD is actually around 3rd Jan 2011.
the baby was put under observation due to underweight.
he was only 1.75kg but Alhamdulillah, both mother n
baby were healthy.
my sister is in her forty n she got a severe asthma.
may be this wuld be her last..since she already got
3 boys n 3 all d complcations really fret us all.
so, to my sis n her hubby (BIL) n family - congrats ya
4 d nu born.. take of the baby baik2, elok2....
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
saya makan byk sgt malam tadi.... now i'm feeling very guilty..
Yesterday i ask my hubby whether wanted to come
back or not... he reluctant n said that he cannot come
home today due to very busy wif meeting n infact when
we were smsing, he was actually in a meeting. he himself
dunno when the meeting will adjourn. but then, he said
may be he'll be home later that nite... so.. i said ok..
then jiera called asking me what to eat. so, i decide to
order for both, me n hubby (walopon x konfem die nk
balik, tetap pesankan mknn) hehehe.. kang die jadi balik
x de makanan naye.. :( ... so, i ordered for myself a prosperity
burger n for him, nasi lemak ayam.
nak d jadikan citer, konfem! hubby x dpt come home...
he got headache la plak.. pening keje kene handle sensorang.
so, i said better not drive malam2 bute just to eat his nasi lemak
hehehehe... baik rest byk2 so dat his headache will go away.
he can always come home pon.. anytime...
tetibe aku jadi pelahap mlm tadi...
mule2 makan prosperity.. yg besar itu....
i was like burping all the way walopon not yet
finish stuffing my mouth wif the burger...
then when licin aku bedal.... next... nasi lemak..
syg if tak makan... membazir, plus the nasi lemak
yg x de la sdap sgt tu costed me 4 hengget stengah..
mahal if consider beli kat psr mlm je pon...
i ate the nasi lemak... untill finish them all.. i realize...
i could not move... my stomach was full. it bloated
n almost pecah!! huhuhuhu....
sian baby had to fight for his/her
tak pe coz mama ate for u.. so pls n pls absorb
all the good minerals n avoid the bad n grew n grew
healthier, prettier, plumper n d list go on...
all photos are courtesy of google.. :))
back or not... he reluctant n said that he cannot come
home today due to very busy wif meeting n infact when
we were smsing, he was actually in a meeting. he himself
dunno when the meeting will adjourn. but then, he said
may be he'll be home later that nite... so.. i said ok..
then jiera called asking me what to eat. so, i decide to
order for both, me n hubby (walopon x konfem die nk
balik, tetap pesankan mknn) hehehe.. kang die jadi balik
x de makanan naye.. :( ... so, i ordered for myself a prosperity
burger n for him, nasi lemak ayam.
nak d jadikan citer, konfem! hubby x dpt come home...
he got headache la plak.. pening keje kene handle sensorang.
so, i said better not drive malam2 bute just to eat his nasi lemak
hehehehe... baik rest byk2 so dat his headache will go away.
he can always come home pon.. anytime...
this was the burger.... my prey.. hehehe
tetibe aku jadi pelahap mlm tadi...
mule2 makan prosperity.. yg besar itu....
i was like burping all the way walopon not yet
finish stuffing my mouth wif the burger...
then when licin aku bedal.... next... nasi lemak..
syg if tak makan... membazir, plus the nasi lemak
yg x de la sdap sgt tu costed me 4 hengget stengah..
mahal if consider beli kat psr mlm je pon...
i ate the nasi lemak... untill finish them all.. i realize...
i could not move... my stomach was full. it bloated
n almost pecah!! huhuhuhu....
oh nasi lemak, walopon not so good but still habis dilahap.. :))
sian baby had to fight for his/her
tak pe coz mama ate for u.. so pls n pls absorb
all the good minerals n avoid the bad n grew n grew
healthier, prettier, plumper n d list go on...
all photos are courtesy of google.. :))
Monday, December 13, 2010
et 28 weeks..
so, jarang updating bout my pregnancy...
somethings better left remain unsaid...
my conditions?
my body shape had tremendously changed, i'm getting
bigger each day..
tak lalu makan nasi, tp makan menda lain...
cepat penat, huhuhu...
keep on kicking hehehe.. mommy love it very
much.. at least i know he/she is in a very good conditions
referring to my reading... this is the last trimester.
baby is now so perfect... n starting to gain more
n more body fats... gud job baby... keep on gaining ok!
tomorrow, going for our 2nd scan.
dis time around hubby's comin' along
so he'll coming back after work today..
i wonder how will he react during n after
the scan. tomorrow we'll know bout
our baby's gender. not to late to decide whether
we shud know or not...
waiting for tomorrow.. impatiently heheehehe...
somethings better left remain unsaid...
my conditions?
my body shape had tremendously changed, i'm getting
bigger each day..
tak lalu makan nasi, tp makan menda lain...
cepat penat, huhuhu...
keep on kicking hehehe.. mommy love it very
much.. at least i know he/she is in a very good conditions
referring to my reading... this is the last trimester.
baby is now so perfect... n starting to gain more
n more body fats... gud job baby... keep on gaining ok!
tomorrow, going for our 2nd scan.
dis time around hubby's comin' along
so he'll coming back after work today..
i wonder how will he react during n after
the scan. tomorrow we'll know bout
our baby's gender. not to late to decide whether
we shud know or not...
waiting for tomorrow.. impatiently heheehehe...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
another sad story...
my mother's only brother passed away last friday.
according to Doctor's report he had a stroke n @ 340am
he died..
takziah to Pok Li's famili. tabahkan hatimu semua
for GOD has other plan for him di sana.
InsyaALLAH n harap2 Pok Li akan ditempatkan
di kalangan org2 yang beriman. amin..
according to Doctor's report he had a stroke n @ 340am
he died..
takziah to Pok Li's famili. tabahkan hatimu semua
for GOD has other plan for him di sana.
InsyaALLAH n harap2 Pok Li akan ditempatkan
di kalangan org2 yang beriman. amin..
Monday, December 6, 2010
owh.. so happy weekend....
this weekend... i loike....
last weekend??? i dislike.. hehehe...
sunggoh seronok.. why??? becoz last saturday.....
me n hubby pagi2 lagi dah wake up n even terskip
our breakfast..yeay...we went to anakku warehouse sale..
which was open near to our house.. we bought loads of
stuff for our baby...
tgk baby ku syg.. mama n papa lov u soo
much, eventho u r still in mommy's womb.. hehehe..
bershopping tak hengat.. but still manage to look around
n see the faces of many people..yang sama2 rakus ngan kami
muahahahaha....if x rakus n gelojoh, none of the things
dapat kt kami.. :). sib baik x sempat breakfast, if had
breakfast already... org len x sempat beli.. all da stuff
are mine... uishhh.. so prasan...
these were the stuff yg berjaya ku sambar b4
anyone else..
1. Anakku Baby stroller
2. Katil baby disney
3. Anakku Baju2 nu born
4. Botol2 susu anakku yg kecik2
5. Rompi baby disney
6. Huggies nu born
7. Disney baby comforter set
8. Pooh boolsters
9. Kasut baby
10. Stokin n sarung tgn baby
11. Lapik getah
12. Disney bed cover
13. Triumph bra
14. Baju n suar utk uppy comel
15. aksesori baby...
16. Anakku thermal bag.....
load of money spent but i must say... that
i couldn't stop smiling n keep on smiling..
puas! satisfied! oh suke hati...
so cheap!.. no wonder people were all so crazy...
it was my 1st warehouse experience. shocked at 1st
but as i go along with all the parents, me myself pon
terikut2.. hehe.. definitely gonna come back for more
warehouse.... muahahaha......
Nway loads of TQ to mr hubby lovey for standing right
beside me in d battlefield! hehehehe
last weekend??? i dislike.. hehehe...
sunggoh seronok.. why??? becoz last saturday.....
me n hubby pagi2 lagi dah wake up n even terskip
our breakfast..yeay...we went to anakku warehouse sale..
which was open near to our house.. we bought loads of
stuff for our baby...
tgk baby ku syg.. mama n papa lov u soo
much, eventho u r still in mommy's womb.. hehehe..
bershopping tak hengat.. but still manage to look around
n see the faces of many people..yang sama2 rakus ngan kami
muahahahaha....if x rakus n gelojoh, none of the things
dapat kt kami.. :). sib baik x sempat breakfast, if had
breakfast already... org len x sempat beli.. all da stuff
are mine... uishhh.. so prasan...
these were the stuff yg berjaya ku sambar b4
anyone else..
1. Anakku Baby stroller
2. Katil baby disney
3. Anakku Baju2 nu born
4. Botol2 susu anakku yg kecik2
5. Rompi baby disney
6. Huggies nu born
7. Disney baby comforter set
8. Pooh boolsters
9. Kasut baby
10. Stokin n sarung tgn baby
11. Lapik getah
12. Disney bed cover
13. Triumph bra
14. Baju n suar utk uppy comel
15. aksesori baby...
16. Anakku thermal bag.....
load of money spent but i must say... that
i couldn't stop smiling n keep on smiling..
puas! satisfied! oh suke hati...
so cheap!.. no wonder people were all so crazy...
it was my 1st warehouse experience. shocked at 1st
but as i go along with all the parents, me myself pon
terikut2.. hehe.. definitely gonna come back for more
warehouse.... muahahaha......
Nway loads of TQ to mr hubby lovey for standing right
beside me in d battlefield! hehehehe
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
saya sangat penat...
last few weeks was my most busy season..
n sooo tired.. just came back from BTN n
today start working already.. eventho sengal2
badan still can be detect here n there at some
part of my body tp hav to gagahkan diri to masuk
ofis. plus my works.. nobody usik pon since i've
no assistant. so, cancel amek mc. sorry baby, mommy
can't pamper2 u yet. wait till mommy finish all d burden
then, baru bleh pk nk rest n baby too can rest.. :))
to be honest, i need a break... need to breakaway
from this hectic life n relax, resting wif no interruption..
tp bile?? :((... dunno...huhuhu.... whatever it is life
is like that n i hav to deal with it...
since i'v took ptk n went to btn... can't wait for
the result to come out... hopefully dapat naik gaji...
naik pangkat... insyaALLAH.... if dapat... ini rezeki
my baby... :))) so, positive OK??
k la.. nak keje... kang x siap... mati...
n sooo tired.. just came back from BTN n
today start working already.. eventho sengal2
badan still can be detect here n there at some
part of my body tp hav to gagahkan diri to masuk
ofis. plus my works.. nobody usik pon since i've
no assistant. so, cancel amek mc. sorry baby, mommy
can't pamper2 u yet. wait till mommy finish all d burden
then, baru bleh pk nk rest n baby too can rest.. :))
to be honest, i need a break... need to breakaway
from this hectic life n relax, resting wif no interruption..
tp bile?? :((... dunno...huhuhu.... whatever it is life
is like that n i hav to deal with it...
since i'v took ptk n went to btn... can't wait for
the result to come out... hopefully dapat naik gaji...
naik pangkat... insyaALLAH.... if dapat... ini rezeki
my baby... :))) so, positive OK??
k la.. nak keje... kang x siap... mati...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
My Raya Haji...
Tenkiu mr darling hubby for willingly choosing
my kampung to celebrate raya haji... i'm so hepi...
we had a loong break, about a week...n hubby dcided
that 1st n 2nd raya my turn n his turn on the 3rd.
1st raya... after breakfast wif nasi himpit wif kuah kacang an
raya prayer... the ibadat Qurban was successfully done..
papa was the busiest as he is the mastermind.. this year...
only 3 bahagian coz papa said give others a chance to qurban too.
so, this year i had to korban 4 others n cancel my Qurban.
pass the baton to all three of my lil sis, cik mah, cik cah n su pa.
may be next year... i'll perform akikah to my baby... insyaALLAH.
then at night we had a blast... barbeque time...
due to less meat... we've already prepared the chickens...
my older sis sponsor 5 chickens while myself 2 chickens..
we ate n ate but couldn't finish them eventho we've called
our cousins n others to join. sgt byk makan huhuhu...
no wonder my weight doesn't stop from gaining...
i ate for two okey....... so, still acceptable... :))
on the 2nd day, went to klinik but the klinik was
closed, so we decided to singgah sekejap at pasar minggu.
wonder what can we buy.... but... not many of the regular vendors
open their business due to raya... raya 7 hari maaaa.... heehehe...
bought some buah delima. from what i have read... delima can
be good to consume during pregnancy especially at the last stages
coz boleh elakkan dari nu born baby kena jaundice/ kuning.
insyaALLAH dengan izin-NYA my baby will be okay n free from
any diseases r irritations.
on the 3rd day... we start our journey to go back to penang.
n 4th... my hubby take me to sightseeing feringgi... tenkiu bebeh...
i had fun :)).
on the 5th, last day in penang.... ready to go to work the next day..
my kampung to celebrate raya haji... i'm so hepi...
we had a loong break, about a week...n hubby dcided
that 1st n 2nd raya my turn n his turn on the 3rd.
1st raya... after breakfast wif nasi himpit wif kuah kacang an
raya prayer... the ibadat Qurban was successfully done..
papa was the busiest as he is the mastermind.. this year...
only 3 bahagian coz papa said give others a chance to qurban too.
so, this year i had to korban 4 others n cancel my Qurban.
pass the baton to all three of my lil sis, cik mah, cik cah n su pa.
may be next year... i'll perform akikah to my baby... insyaALLAH.
then at night we had a blast... barbeque time...
due to less meat... we've already prepared the chickens...
my older sis sponsor 5 chickens while myself 2 chickens..
we ate n ate but couldn't finish them eventho we've called
our cousins n others to join. sgt byk makan huhuhu...
no wonder my weight doesn't stop from gaining...
i ate for two okey....... so, still acceptable... :))
on the 2nd day, went to klinik but the klinik was
closed, so we decided to singgah sekejap at pasar minggu.
wonder what can we buy.... but... not many of the regular vendors
open their business due to raya... raya 7 hari maaaa.... heehehe...
bought some buah delima. from what i have read... delima can
be good to consume during pregnancy especially at the last stages
coz boleh elakkan dari nu born baby kena jaundice/ kuning.
insyaALLAH dengan izin-NYA my baby will be okay n free from
any diseases r irritations.
on the 3rd day... we start our journey to go back to penang.
n 4th... my hubby take me to sightseeing feringgi... tenkiu bebeh...
i had fun :)).
on the 5th, last day in penang.... ready to go to work the next day..
Thursday, November 11, 2010
after few days of hectic schedule.... finish my PTK
finish my audit... tp x ley hanimun still becoz
got work to settle lagi.... payment is still sitting on my desk.
waiting to be raid.. hahahaha....
this petang, gonna meet up wif datin.
since we had nu pengarah in d office,
the wife, the datin want to had this meet n greet,
suai kenal session wif all the ladies officer or
shall i say... potential heart breaker?? muahahaha..
dun worry, all of us already married...
hopefully it will end early coz i dun want to go back
late. i want to rest for the whole 1 week wif a great start!
finish my audit... tp x ley hanimun still becoz
got work to settle lagi.... payment is still sitting on my desk.
waiting to be raid.. hahahaha....
this petang, gonna meet up wif datin.
since we had nu pengarah in d office,
the wife, the datin want to had this meet n greet,
suai kenal session wif all the ladies officer or
shall i say... potential heart breaker?? muahahaha..
dun worry, all of us already married...
hopefully it will end early coz i dun want to go back
late. i want to rest for the whole 1 week wif a great start!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Congrats n Tahniah...
Owh... abe zahir.. Tahniah 4 ur great result in UPSR.
Tak sia2 cik Ct ajar abe zahir jadi manusia yang ganas
serba serbi. u did it! n i'm so proud to be ur aunt!
next2 exam pls do the same k, maintain the straight A's
Love u n appreciate ur effort.
u hav set a really great example to ur siblings n other cousins!
n tahniah to both proud parents too... my sis watie n his hubby abe mat.
great job guys.. u've raise 1 potential genius ladies heart-breaker.
Tak sia2 cik Ct ajar abe zahir jadi manusia yang ganas
serba serbi. u did it! n i'm so proud to be ur aunt!
next2 exam pls do the same k, maintain the straight A's
Love u n appreciate ur effort.
u hav set a really great example to ur siblings n other cousins!
n tahniah to both proud parents too... my sis watie n his hubby abe mat.
great job guys.. u've raise 1 potential genius ladies heart-breaker.
abe zahir yg encem dn bijak n very humble
abe zahir in his PJ n barney party costume...
x de gambar proper yg len.. hehehe..
sweeping dust..
2 weeks of no entry r blogwalking. so.. extremely busy...
had to study for my PTK exam, had to 'perah otak' for
my PTK esei n last but not least had to be confident n creative
for my PTK presentation. so many hours of concentrating on
PTK n so hopefully when the result come out...i'll get turus 4
for both generic n functional so dat i'll get a raise... kalau
ade rezeki baby, insyaALLAH... tp kalu x dpat 4 pun
at least pass n i can be on my way to get promoted.
after PTK.... back to the office... ya ALLAH...
byknye keje n i had to finish them all in one day.
so i worked so hard n i didn't stop for my lunch.
keep on doing my work n Alhamdulillah i manage
to finish them all walaupon i had to stay up to 6++
pm. happy coz i had a great long weekend due to
We went to Ikea n bought some stuff.
most of the stuff that really caught my eye...i had
to hold my desire as my hubby said that 'sabar,
nnti dh ada umah sdiri ngan ikea2 abe belikan'
he's rite sabar je dulu k.. plus we've
bought some of furniture from cavenzi n it's not
even delivered yet due to no house to put in..
then dis week.. i had to audit. so kelakar though
because i had to audit others while me myself pon
not that perfect. hahahaha... go with the flow je..
last 2 days went to JKR Petaling to do the audit
n alhamdulillah everything went so well. they welcome
us n given us 100% cooperation. sangkakan tak pandai
audit but rupenye boleh.. hahahaha..
n today... is busy preparing n updating my
projects files. sibuk audit org nah! skang u urself
akan di audit... hehehe... i had nobody under me
so, had to do all by myself. soo penat but work is
work so deal with it!... hopefully everything will be fine.
n my projects will pass with flying colors. no NCR r
Observations awarded! hahahaha..
tomorrow will have another audit but this time
we'll be heading to JKR TUDM for 2 days.
n then.... i'm going to have a longg break for my
Aidiladha... can't wait to get back home. miss my
parents, my siblings, my nephew n nieces, my
my kampung n my mothers cooks.
had to study for my PTK exam, had to 'perah otak' for
my PTK esei n last but not least had to be confident n creative
for my PTK presentation. so many hours of concentrating on
PTK n so hopefully when the result come out...i'll get turus 4
for both generic n functional so dat i'll get a raise... kalau
ade rezeki baby, insyaALLAH... tp kalu x dpat 4 pun
at least pass n i can be on my way to get promoted.
after PTK.... back to the office... ya ALLAH...
byknye keje n i had to finish them all in one day.
so i worked so hard n i didn't stop for my lunch.
keep on doing my work n Alhamdulillah i manage
to finish them all walaupon i had to stay up to 6++
pm. happy coz i had a great long weekend due to
We went to Ikea n bought some stuff.
most of the stuff that really caught my eye...i had
to hold my desire as my hubby said that 'sabar,
nnti dh ada umah sdiri ngan ikea2 abe belikan'
he's rite sabar je dulu k.. plus we've
bought some of furniture from cavenzi n it's not
even delivered yet due to no house to put in..
lutfil hadi @ uppy yg comey
aiyak... mane mau carik duet ni??
then dis week.. i had to audit. so kelakar though
because i had to audit others while me myself pon
not that perfect. hahahaha... go with the flow je..
last 2 days went to JKR Petaling to do the audit
n alhamdulillah everything went so well. they welcome
us n given us 100% cooperation. sangkakan tak pandai
audit but rupenye boleh.. hahahaha..
n today... is busy preparing n updating my
projects files. sibuk audit org nah! skang u urself
akan di audit... hehehe... i had nobody under me
so, had to do all by myself. soo penat but work is
work so deal with it!... hopefully everything will be fine.
n my projects will pass with flying colors. no NCR r
Observations awarded! hahahaha..
tomorrow will have another audit but this time
we'll be heading to JKR TUDM for 2 days.
n then.... i'm going to have a longg break for my
Aidiladha... can't wait to get back home. miss my
parents, my siblings, my nephew n nieces, my
my kampung n my mothers cooks.
Friday, November 5, 2010
us... me n hubby plus my sisters plus my uppy.. went
to I-city... it was my 2nd time. my 1st doesnt count tho
sbb cuma lalu ngan kete..
went there n see the colors of the lights.. mcm x pnah
tgk lampu??!! x de la syok sgt tp kagum ngan lampu yg
byk n warna-warni.. took photos n walking round the area
n tgk mcm2 ragam manusia.
before took off, guess who we bump to? MB!
yup MB Selangor. I thot he was small but his big.. hehehe
slalu tgk ms perhimpunan dekat baru tau
the real size.. hahaha...almost midnite but he still
doing his 'JOB'..seing the rakyat in his Baju batik
oh..wif no bodyguard!..
to I-city... it was my 2nd time. my 1st doesnt count tho
sbb cuma lalu ngan kete..
went there n see the colors of the lights.. mcm x pnah
tgk lampu??!! x de la syok sgt tp kagum ngan lampu yg
byk n warna-warni.. took photos n walking round the area
n tgk mcm2 ragam manusia.
before took off, guess who we bump to? MB!
yup MB Selangor. I thot he was small but his big.. hehehe
slalu tgk ms perhimpunan dekat baru tau
the real size.. hahaha...almost midnite but he still
doing his 'JOB'..seing the rakyat in his Baju batik
oh..wif no bodyguard!..
Saturday, October 23, 2010
oct 23rd 2010
we was home alone n didn't know wat 2 do..
so we decided to go somewhere... 1st we thot
we shud go to the pyramid but then i was
thinking about watching a muvee becoz we
haven't seen much lately... kinda left behind
a bit.
my hubby said he just had enuff wif bukit tinggi.
so, i decided that we shud go to the cinelesure
@ mutiara damansara. the last time when we
went there, not so much of a crowd. so, we
had fun n some privacy too.
we go there n suprisingly, it is now called
e @ curve.wah... we r soo old.. hehehe...
still not crowded, i like!
watch 'life as we know it' starred by kat heigl
n fergie's hubby, josh duhamel. it was a great
muvee n it's about parenting..n love n sacrifice
n trust n so on.... it's a romantic comedy actually
but at some part i was in tears... so sad when
holly was getting a news about Allyson n Pete
death... i'm not a muvee critic but it's not bad.
recommended. go n check it out at ur nearest
then, for lunch we had shrimp n calamari n
some yogurt drink at bubbagum. i must say
that i dunt really fancy the food. we ate them
all though. not recommended. i used to think
it's a great place to dine in but it's least
for me. maybe i ordered the wrong choices of
food. i dunno but we're not going to go there
4 the 2nd time. glad that we managed to finish
our food n drink for lunch.... Alhamdulillah, rezeki.
then, we headed home in a very heavy rain.
safely arrived... Alhamdulillah....
so we decided to go somewhere... 1st we thot
we shud go to the pyramid but then i was
thinking about watching a muvee becoz we
haven't seen much lately... kinda left behind
a bit.
my hubby said he just had enuff wif bukit tinggi.
so, i decided that we shud go to the cinelesure
@ mutiara damansara. the last time when we
went there, not so much of a crowd. so, we
had fun n some privacy too.
we go there n suprisingly, it is now called
e @ curve.wah... we r soo old.. hehehe...
still not crowded, i like!
watch 'life as we know it' starred by kat heigl
n fergie's hubby, josh duhamel. it was a great
muvee n it's about parenting..n love n sacrifice
n trust n so on.... it's a romantic comedy actually
but at some part i was in tears... so sad when
holly was getting a news about Allyson n Pete
death... i'm not a muvee critic but it's not bad.
recommended. go n check it out at ur nearest
then, for lunch we had shrimp n calamari n
some yogurt drink at bubbagum. i must say
that i dunt really fancy the food. we ate them
all though. not recommended. i used to think
it's a great place to dine in but it's least
for me. maybe i ordered the wrong choices of
food. i dunno but we're not going to go there
4 the 2nd time. glad that we managed to finish
our food n drink for lunch.... Alhamdulillah, rezeki.
then, we headed home in a very heavy rain.
safely arrived... Alhamdulillah....
Friday, October 22, 2010
I'm soo geram, sakit hati, mad n sad...
why d'ya hav to act dat way? he is not nobody,
he is somebody to you. yeah.. i know he is not your
favorite but still, u can not treat him dat way. he is
so young n fragile, he needs attention not ur stupid
way of p******ng. he seek for alternative attention,
u got jealous n u treat him badly. Why?
If u think u r good enuff, pls... stop faking it.
it's doesn't take a genius to know r to learn
how bad u r. u r a the master of all biased in
the whole wide world. treat them equally. why
must u make comparison. it's not fair when
the comparison was actually never happens.
u made it up coz u love her sooo much becouse
she resemble u love one, exactly look alike from
top to toe, from walk to talk, from voice to everything.
u don't do dat. it's wrong n shud never be practice.
u shud've never called him bengong, bangang, stupid,
cacat or any other bad words. he was never the way
u called him but she is n always will. he is a good boy n
does not deserve to be treated badly.
u don't want him? u hate him? u think he bring shame to u?
u want to push him away?, u rejecting him?
I WANT HIM! give him to me. i'll take a real good
care of him, better than u do, best!
u think u got money u own the world? money is nothing..
u can't bring ur money to ur Lubang Kubur!...
wat make me sick the most... u think u r soo perfect.
but the real is... u r not! u r not even close n u'll never
be. u proud of urself, why? i dont c anything that u can
be proud of. u r nothing. u always underestimate others
n make compares to u r wat u have. it's stupid!. u dont
downgrade other people especially him. he deserve the best
n the best only from me, not u. u want to be the best.. don't
skip ur prayer to ALLAH. u don't know how to recite Quran
n barely do dat. i never heard u did that n when u recite
a doa... it's all over the place, u pronounce it poorly.
u.. dont even want to furnish ur skill to read Quran...
that sad!...
I hate u for wat u did to my s******s, i'm mad at u for everything u
did to him. n i'm sad that i couldn't do anything to stop u from
hurting him. i wish i never know u.. but the history has been carved
n i can't turn back time to change... it's written n we all hav to deal
with it.
I hope ALLAH will help him in being a better person, perfect boy, man
but as for u... for wat u've done... burn in hell.
YA ALLAH.... KAU jauhilah aku dengan perangai semacam ini. aku
mahu jadi yang terbaik utk semua orang. aku tidak mahu meninggi diri
atau merendah-rendahkan orang atau menunjuk-nunjuk.
he is somebody to you. yeah.. i know he is not your
favorite but still, u can not treat him dat way. he is
so young n fragile, he needs attention not ur stupid
way of p******ng. he seek for alternative attention,
u got jealous n u treat him badly. Why?
If u think u r good enuff, pls... stop faking it.
it's doesn't take a genius to know r to learn
how bad u r. u r a the master of all biased in
the whole wide world. treat them equally. why
must u make comparison. it's not fair when
the comparison was actually never happens.
u made it up coz u love her sooo much becouse
she resemble u love one, exactly look alike from
top to toe, from walk to talk, from voice to everything.
u don't do dat. it's wrong n shud never be practice.
u shud've never called him bengong, bangang, stupid,
cacat or any other bad words. he was never the way
u called him but she is n always will. he is a good boy n
does not deserve to be treated badly.
u don't want him? u hate him? u think he bring shame to u?
u want to push him away?, u rejecting him?
I WANT HIM! give him to me. i'll take a real good
care of him, better than u do, best!
u think u got money u own the world? money is nothing..
u can't bring ur money to ur Lubang Kubur!...
wat make me sick the most... u think u r soo perfect.
but the real is... u r not! u r not even close n u'll never
be. u proud of urself, why? i dont c anything that u can
be proud of. u r nothing. u always underestimate others
n make compares to u r wat u have. it's stupid!. u dont
downgrade other people especially him. he deserve the best
n the best only from me, not u. u want to be the best.. don't
skip ur prayer to ALLAH. u don't know how to recite Quran
n barely do dat. i never heard u did that n when u recite
a doa... it's all over the place, u pronounce it poorly.
u.. dont even want to furnish ur skill to read Quran...
that sad!...
I hate u for wat u did to my s******s, i'm mad at u for everything u
did to him. n i'm sad that i couldn't do anything to stop u from
hurting him. i wish i never know u.. but the history has been carved
n i can't turn back time to change... it's written n we all hav to deal
with it.
I hope ALLAH will help him in being a better person, perfect boy, man
but as for u... for wat u've done... burn in hell.
YA ALLAH.... KAU jauhilah aku dengan perangai semacam ini. aku
mahu jadi yang terbaik utk semua orang. aku tidak mahu meninggi diri
atau merendah-rendahkan orang atau menunjuk-nunjuk.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
et 20/40
saya telah dengan officially at my 20weeks. so, half way there. next 20 weeks
my beautiful baby will be deliver by me. InsyaALLAH with HIS willing n blessings
both of us akn sihat, sempurna n best shape ever!..
wat had happend to me? ohw last week went to a regular check up n misi dh marh
saya coz of my weight.. it's gaining and i hav got an excessive weight about 1.8kg.
so need to come to the clinic this 27th for another check up. my sis said if my weight
does not stop gaining, i might kena minum air gula. people said, air gula tak sedap.
worst case, u'll vomit, n mabuk back.. saya x nak mengalami another mabuk
experience lagi dh. kalau mabuk utk 2nd child, tak pe... hehehehe..
air liur saya masih x mo brenti. still cannot swallow. so, most of the time mmg saya
mengunyah, drinking more water n worst i took some candy. it's definitely not a good
habit to consume candies becoz sy mungkin akan kena kencing manis.. n saya x nak.
walopon i hav no history of diabetic family background tp itu cukup mengerikan saya.
last weekend buy more clothes, sy dh gile shopping for maternity clothes. hahaha...
konon wanna b a hot preggy mommy.. tp bile pakai, rase cam udoh la plak. huhu..
tgk others pakai cam comel je.... so jeles..
my perut getting bigger n so is my body. i want to eat right. but how? i think my
weight doesnt want to come down bcoz saya sembelit.. huhuhu... sy dh ade ubat,
tp saya takut to take it. my last experiment lead me to a result where i was badly
MABUK, lost my appetite, no energy sampai x boleh jalan. i look bad n sy terpaksa
tinggal pose dat day. masih trauma tp dat was at my three months di saat saya masih
fragile. my sister marah sbb sy x sepatutnya consume the medicine di saat awal
mengandung, that's the price i hav to pay for x dengar cakap. tp... at this age of
pregnancy, saya mahu cuba lagi. Mn tau, jika saya dh x sembelit n my pooping
process berjalan lancar, i might lost my excess weight n dunt hav to drink air gula
lagi dah... mintak2.. aminnnn... saya harap dis time a round my niat yg suci murni
ini akan berjaya, succeed!... InsyaALLAH.
Nntikan resultnye esok... can't wait for tomorrow..
my beautiful baby will be deliver by me. InsyaALLAH with HIS willing n blessings
both of us akn sihat, sempurna n best shape ever!..
wat had happend to me? ohw last week went to a regular check up n misi dh marh
saya coz of my weight.. it's gaining and i hav got an excessive weight about 1.8kg.
so need to come to the clinic this 27th for another check up. my sis said if my weight
does not stop gaining, i might kena minum air gula. people said, air gula tak sedap.
worst case, u'll vomit, n mabuk back.. saya x nak mengalami another mabuk
experience lagi dh. kalau mabuk utk 2nd child, tak pe... hehehehe..
air liur saya masih x mo brenti. still cannot swallow. so, most of the time mmg saya
mengunyah, drinking more water n worst i took some candy. it's definitely not a good
habit to consume candies becoz sy mungkin akan kena kencing manis.. n saya x nak.
walopon i hav no history of diabetic family background tp itu cukup mengerikan saya.
last weekend buy more clothes, sy dh gile shopping for maternity clothes. hahaha...
konon wanna b a hot preggy mommy.. tp bile pakai, rase cam udoh la plak. huhu..
tgk others pakai cam comel je.... so jeles..
my perut getting bigger n so is my body. i want to eat right. but how? i think my
weight doesnt want to come down bcoz saya sembelit.. huhuhu... sy dh ade ubat,
tp saya takut to take it. my last experiment lead me to a result where i was badly
MABUK, lost my appetite, no energy sampai x boleh jalan. i look bad n sy terpaksa
tinggal pose dat day. masih trauma tp dat was at my three months di saat saya masih
fragile. my sister marah sbb sy x sepatutnya consume the medicine di saat awal
mengandung, that's the price i hav to pay for x dengar cakap. tp... at this age of
pregnancy, saya mahu cuba lagi. Mn tau, jika saya dh x sembelit n my pooping
process berjalan lancar, i might lost my excess weight n dunt hav to drink air gula
lagi dah... mintak2.. aminnnn... saya harap dis time a round my niat yg suci murni
ini akan berjaya, succeed!... InsyaALLAH.
Nntikan resultnye esok... can't wait for tomorrow..
Monday, October 18, 2010
Me n the PTK
Was at the PTK Taklimat yesterday. at 1st quite hesitate to attend the taklimat
but, after some thoughts and dicussion wif yana.. we decided to go anyway.
why we hesitate? sebab last friday PM announce in Budget 2011 (RMK-10)
that PTK dimansuhkan. No more PTK for government servants. Sib baik kami
pegi jugk.... coz the taklimat was not cancelled pon. always trust ur 1st instinct..
why we hesitate? sebab last friday PM announce in Budget 2011 (RMK-10)
that PTK dimansuhkan. No more PTK for government servants. Sib baik kami
pegi jugk.... coz the taklimat was not cancelled pon. always trust ur 1st instinct..
What is PTK? it's a valuation on a staff to test their working knowledge..
how competent they are.. if we get 4 marks in both papers (fungsional n generics)
we'll get a raise n chances to get promoted. hopefully i'll get 4 for both papers...
tp must work hard laaa... mcmn nk work hard...i'm not that type of person. tp papepon,
when there's a will there's a way... nak seribu daya, x nak seribu dalih... try dulu,
what happen next len cerite....but.. dgr2, mmg sgt sush to get both 4 marks..
how competent they are.. if we get 4 marks in both papers (fungsional n generics)
we'll get a raise n chances to get promoted. hopefully i'll get 4 for both papers...
tp must work hard laaa... mcmn nk work hard...i'm not that type of person. tp papepon,
when there's a will there's a way... nak seribu daya, x nak seribu dalih... try dulu,
what happen next len cerite....but.. dgr2, mmg sgt sush to get both 4 marks..
byk org dpat 3 marks je for both papers which only help on chances to get promoted...
itupon if ada vacant.
itupon if ada vacant.
What shud i do? must write an essay on a particular title that I've to choose. need to
do a research a bit. loads of asking n loads of writings, about 10 to 15 pages. most
important the isi n originality. need to prepare it fast coz got to send the essay this
coming 1st nov. hopefully i can finish it on time.
do a research a bit. loads of asking n loads of writings, about 10 to 15 pages. most
important the isi n originality. need to prepare it fast coz got to send the essay this
coming 1st nov. hopefully i can finish it on time.
next, must present my SKT (sasaran kerja tahunan) for last year n this year. need to
convince the judges wif my impressive slides n my presentation. i'm no good in presenting
myself in public. i tend to get so very nervous n i'll talk rubbish. hopefully i'll be able to
calm myself and present my SKT at my best. InsyaALLAH..
convince the judges wif my impressive slides n my presentation. i'm no good in presenting
myself in public. i tend to get so very nervous n i'll talk rubbish. hopefully i'll be able to
calm myself and present my SKT at my best. InsyaALLAH..
Last but not least is, group discussion. dunno my group members yet but we've already
been given the tajuk. need to master all the tajuk though eventhough only one tajuk yg
perlu di present. becoz i don't know wat tajuk will my group get. i don't want to present...
i'm not good n i don't want my team suffer bad marks because of me...
been given the tajuk. need to master all the tajuk though eventhough only one tajuk yg
perlu di present. becoz i don't know wat tajuk will my group get. i don't want to present...
i'm not good n i don't want my team suffer bad marks because of me...
the kemuncak PTK will be on the 1st Nov - 3rd Nov. i'm sooo pening bcoz kena buat 2
things at the same time. being appointed as SPK auditor n have to do the audit from
18/10 - 18/11 an need to come out with a report. hopefully my tenaga n masa will kind
enuff so dat i'm gonna b able to handle all these matters ngan JAYANYA... insyaALLAH....
things at the same time. being appointed as SPK auditor n have to do the audit from
18/10 - 18/11 an need to come out with a report. hopefully my tenaga n masa will kind
enuff so dat i'm gonna b able to handle all these matters ngan JAYANYA... insyaALLAH....
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Me n the profession...
Attending a QS International Conference for 2 days.
Today n tomorrow at Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel
It's about quantity surveying, the profession, the Industry,
going green, n others... the best part is I'm going to get 8 CPD
points. So happy... Yeah.. No more worries up to next year!..
met some of my friends n they said that i'm fat.. hahaha... deal with it
guys... then one of the speaker was Prof Rashid or Dr. Rashid, my
lecturer n thesis supervisor. still remember his words about me
failing. N'way thanks to him coz my thesis was awarded with an A!..
I'm so proud of myself. He was also offered me to work with him
as an researcher but i had to turn down his offer because i'm not
a good researcher, i hav no passion at all. sorry doc.
seeing you today, reminds me of my gud old varsity days....
Today n tomorrow at Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel
It's about quantity surveying, the profession, the Industry,
going green, n others... the best part is I'm going to get 8 CPD
points. So happy... Yeah.. No more worries up to next year!..
met some of my friends n they said that i'm fat.. hahaha... deal with it
guys... then one of the speaker was Prof Rashid or Dr. Rashid, my
lecturer n thesis supervisor. still remember his words about me
failing. N'way thanks to him coz my thesis was awarded with an A!..
I'm so proud of myself. He was also offered me to work with him
as an researcher but i had to turn down his offer because i'm not
a good researcher, i hav no passion at all. sorry doc.
seeing you today, reminds me of my gud old varsity days....
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tahniah, congrats....
it's baby time again.... n this time, Pn Hanawati is the proud mother.
This is her 5th baby but the 4th son. Congrats to the family from both of us.
Name? dunno yet but she deliver the baby at DeMC. tepat jam 7.05 am,
the beautiful baby boy was born with a weight 3.6kg.. wow! he's big..
This is her 5th baby but the 4th son. Congrats to the family from both of us.
Name? dunno yet but she deliver the baby at DeMC. tepat jam 7.05 am,
the beautiful baby boy was born with a weight 3.6kg.. wow! he's big..
pict courtesy of Alma (kak hana daughter). rambutmu soo
thick!!! comeiiill..
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
et 18/40
in da month of October.... agak bz buln ni.. mcm2... my sis buat open
house, my bro pon buat, ofis buat, jabatan buat. semua org buat.
Penat nak habiskan syawal ni..makan pon byk.. papepun bersyukur
dgn rezeki yg telah diberikan olehNYA....
harap2 my next meeting wif misi, my weight is still in control.
i'm @ 18/40 weeks. perut pon dh agak besar, walobgimnpon sum
people said that i hav a very small tummy at this age of pregnancy.
last weekend dh shopping few baju maternity. suke, sbb chommel...
my lil sis said i look like a barbie doll when i wore the baju.. hehehe..
ye la tu padahal sesaje mau kasi gue prasaang...muahahaha... papepon
nk beli baju lagi. kali ni aim for maxis n cardigan yang pjg smpai ke lutut
cam cik adik ku yg kupanggil Dilah tu ske pakai.
heels dh lama x pakai, even before my pregnancy pon lagik, tp sjk
pregnant ni..feel like wanted to pakai balik la plak... eeeeeee x sdar diri...
kulat2 dah naik byk dh d sandal2 ku, heels ku.... ade aku kisah? hahaha...
kang pas branak nnti aku malaramlaaa... la la la....
perfume? jugak dh lama x sembur.. no need la.. my natural fragrance
pon dh ok..hehehe...nasibla da people around me.. had to bear my body
odour... alhamdulillah..stakat ni no complaint. lagipon mr. hubby honey
bunny ku syg said that i smells guuuudddd... :)) amek ati je tu...
my kebayas, x muat tang perut dh. cannot squeeze in. totally out, must
wait until my bb yang disayangi ini born dulu.. pastu hav to diet yang gilee2..
untill i get my beautiful n gojes bod back.. used to hav a bod like britney's
body in her 'i'm a slave for u' vdo.. skang dh out.. miahahaha.. mr. hubby
kate i'm sexier than ever wif my tummy yg booolat itu.. hahaha.. pandaila...
Mabuk?? nope.. gone..dh boleh makan, minum susu sesikit tp in da
morning during teeth brushing still ade rase loya2 walopon x muntah.
mucus are all over my body especially saliva. x boleh telan. tried to telan
before but cannot coz i vomit after that. kemam la saliva tu... smpai
jumpe2 appropriate tempat utk spit it out. dari usia 12 minggu sampai
skang, i had to deal with all the mucus. hopefully by the time i'm in 21st
week, all d mucus will b gone.. :) InsyaALLAH..positively... yeay...
dear baby... ibu, mak, mama, ma, mommy, ummi love u sooo much..
n so does ur ayah, bapa, papa, abah, abi, daddy.. muahhhh muah.....
house, my bro pon buat, ofis buat, jabatan buat. semua org buat.
Penat nak habiskan syawal ni..makan pon byk.. papepun bersyukur
dgn rezeki yg telah diberikan olehNYA....
harap2 my next meeting wif misi, my weight is still in control.
i'm @ 18/40 weeks. perut pon dh agak besar, walobgimnpon sum
people said that i hav a very small tummy at this age of pregnancy.
last weekend dh shopping few baju maternity. suke, sbb chommel...
my lil sis said i look like a barbie doll when i wore the baju.. hehehe..
ye la tu padahal sesaje mau kasi gue prasaang...muahahaha... papepon
nk beli baju lagi. kali ni aim for maxis n cardigan yang pjg smpai ke lutut
cam cik adik ku yg kupanggil Dilah tu ske pakai.
heels dh lama x pakai, even before my pregnancy pon lagik, tp sjk
pregnant ni..feel like wanted to pakai balik la plak... eeeeeee x sdar diri...
kulat2 dah naik byk dh d sandal2 ku, heels ku.... ade aku kisah? hahaha...
kang pas branak nnti aku malaramlaaa... la la la....
perfume? jugak dh lama x sembur.. no need la.. my natural fragrance
pon dh ok..hehehe...nasibla da people around me.. had to bear my body
odour... alhamdulillah..stakat ni no complaint. lagipon mr. hubby honey
bunny ku syg said that i smells guuuudddd... :)) amek ati je tu...
my kebayas, x muat tang perut dh. cannot squeeze in. totally out, must
wait until my bb yang disayangi ini born dulu.. pastu hav to diet yang gilee2..
untill i get my beautiful n gojes bod back.. used to hav a bod like britney's
body in her 'i'm a slave for u' vdo.. skang dh out.. miahahaha.. mr. hubby
kate i'm sexier than ever wif my tummy yg booolat itu.. hahaha.. pandaila...
Mabuk?? nope.. gone..dh boleh makan, minum susu sesikit tp in da
morning during teeth brushing still ade rase loya2 walopon x muntah.
mucus are all over my body especially saliva. x boleh telan. tried to telan
before but cannot coz i vomit after that. kemam la saliva tu... smpai
jumpe2 appropriate tempat utk spit it out. dari usia 12 minggu sampai
skang, i had to deal with all the mucus. hopefully by the time i'm in 21st
week, all d mucus will b gone.. :) InsyaALLAH..positively... yeay...
dear baby... ibu, mak, mama, ma, mommy, ummi love u sooo much..
n so does ur ayah, bapa, papa, abah, abi, daddy.. muahhhh muah.....
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I know wat u did last Eid...
hmm... raye this year... my 1st time to celebrate wif my hubby.
my feeling? heh... dunno wut 2 say ... campur baur... N'way it's
an experience dat ev'ry 1 shud, must, mesti alami... so, let it be....
agak melampau i must say... this raya, i took 8 days of my cuti just
to catch up with my hubby. dia apply 4 days only, the rest his kilang
kasi (kilang kasi cuti pjg? pelik.. ya.... but sooo true) samada he is
the org penting r not soo penting (sorry abe... just joking)..
Heppi though coz dpt buke pose for about a week jugala wif my ma,
papa n siblings n extended famili. plus my big sis (che dah n her famili)
already balik kampung. meriah! walopon still missing 1/2 of my famili.
hihihi... x de gambr buke pose wif famili ok.. due to Aurat... hehehe..
puas jugakla, coz dpt mengatur nak makan itu ini (mengidam punye psl)
from my mom. Lov u MOM.. unconditional love u gave to us n tak bias!!
hope dat 1 day i'll b just like my mom!.. insyaALLAH..
Actually i was at my 14 weeks of pregnancy during last raye.. yeay...
Apepon Alhamdulillah my puasa was a success (minus 4 days.. huhuhu)
n tahun ni jugak was my 1st Eid i celebrate wif mr hubby lovey dovey...
Last year kami kawen on the 3rd Syawal... n thanks to him too sebb kami
beraya di Pasir Puteh yg terchenta...I love my kampung.. next year???
ah.. itu citer len.. tapi on the 2nd day tu... off to terengganu
to his family... sampai la midnite 3rd raya..4th raya sambung beraye
d pasir puteh plak... i'm heppi... :)...
Sbenarnye... dis year raye, x de la seexcited mane.. why?
sbb sy mabuukk.. baju pon ade 2 pasang shj. Nak buat byk2
tp takut tak fit due to my tremendous body figure change..
2 helai tu tempah before my pregnancy, walopon ade cuak2
dtg melanda b4 wear both baju.. afraid that those bajus will not fit..
tp.. suke.. coz pas pakai, still fit... n i didn't look like i'm pregnant!
hihihi... suke hati....
my feeling? heh... dunno wut 2 say ... campur baur... N'way it's
an experience dat ev'ry 1 shud, must, mesti alami... so, let it be....
agak melampau i must say... this raya, i took 8 days of my cuti just
to catch up with my hubby. dia apply 4 days only, the rest his kilang
kasi (kilang kasi cuti pjg? pelik.. ya.... but sooo true) samada he is
the org penting r not soo penting (sorry abe... just joking)..
Heppi though coz dpt buke pose for about a week jugala wif my ma,
papa n siblings n extended famili. plus my big sis (che dah n her famili)
already balik kampung. meriah! walopon still missing 1/2 of my famili.
hihihi... x de gambr buke pose wif famili ok.. due to Aurat... hehehe..
puas jugakla, coz dpt mengatur nak makan itu ini (mengidam punye psl)
from my mom. Lov u MOM.. unconditional love u gave to us n tak bias!!
hope dat 1 day i'll b just like my mom!.. insyaALLAH..
Actually i was at my 14 weeks of pregnancy during last raye.. yeay...
Apepon Alhamdulillah my puasa was a success (minus 4 days.. huhuhu)
n tahun ni jugak was my 1st Eid i celebrate wif mr hubby lovey dovey...
Last year kami kawen on the 3rd Syawal... n thanks to him too sebb kami
beraya di Pasir Puteh yg terchenta...I love my kampung.. next year???
ah.. itu citer len.. tapi on the 2nd day tu... off to terengganu
to his family... sampai la midnite 3rd raya..4th raya sambung beraye
d pasir puteh plak... i'm heppi... :)...
Sbenarnye... dis year raye, x de la seexcited mane.. why?
sbb sy mabuukk.. baju pon ade 2 pasang shj. Nak buat byk2
tp takut tak fit due to my tremendous body figure change..
2 helai tu tempah before my pregnancy, walopon ade cuak2
dtg melanda b4 wear both baju.. afraid that those bajus will not fit..
tp.. suke.. coz pas pakai, still fit... n i didn't look like i'm pregnant!
hihihi... suke hati....
saya bersama mr.hubby yg sengeh smpai telinga.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saya sangat MALAS...
it's a disease.. yup... n it can't b cure unless u ur ownself decided
to change.
Ya ALLAH... penyakit ini sedang melanda diriku... pls help.
since my last cuti2 raya yg pjng itew... i still can't get into d tune...
msh mode malas2 yang amat sgt. if my bos know my activity yang
tidak sihat ini she'll be xtremely flipped.
arini... cuma dpt siapkan 2 task... which is not even a major task.
the major task.. can't do coz, maklumat tak lengkap...
hav already asked for the missing docs but still didn't get it.
ALASAN... huhuhu... dear GOD pls change my attitude..
to change.
Ya ALLAH... penyakit ini sedang melanda diriku... pls help.
since my last cuti2 raya yg pjng itew... i still can't get into d tune...
msh mode malas2 yang amat sgt. if my bos know my activity yang
tidak sihat ini she'll be xtremely flipped.
arini... cuma dpt siapkan 2 task... which is not even a major task.
the major task.. can't do coz, maklumat tak lengkap...
hav already asked for the missing docs but still didn't get it.
ALASAN... huhuhu... dear GOD pls change my attitude..
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
This time... my warmest thoughts n congratulations goes to
both of my officemates, Mawi n Najat.
It was yesterday a baby boy weighted 3.04kg was born
at Hospital Sg Buloh.
Take care of ur baby boy k.
Tahniah from Ct n Farid...
we'll be following ur footstep soon..
Additional : i was scrolling my FB, saw najat n mawi's boy pics.. the head near his left/right eye was badly hurt.
poor baby. it was a result from careless nurse/doc during his forceps birth.
Hope dat i will not face the same mistake... wish n hoping for a normal birth though.. aminnn...
to both parents... tabahkan hatimu...
both of my officemates, Mawi n Najat.
It was yesterday a baby boy weighted 3.04kg was born
at Hospital Sg Buloh.
Take care of ur baby boy k.
Tahniah from Ct n Farid...
we'll be following ur footstep soon..
Additional : i was scrolling my FB, saw najat n mawi's boy pics.. the head near his left/right eye was badly hurt.
poor baby. it was a result from careless nurse/doc during his forceps birth.
Hope dat i will not face the same mistake... wish n hoping for a normal birth though.. aminnn...
to both parents... tabahkan hatimu...
pict courtesy of lyn... see dat yellowish liquid near 2 his eye..
pity him papepon yg penting he is healthy..
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Our 1st Anniversary
It was last year, the same date.... we got married.
Because today is Wednesday and both of us are working,
so decided that we shud postpone our anniversary celebration to the nearest weekend
Hmmmm.. wat shud we do? the best is maybe lunch or dinner together.
wat will i give him? Dunno.. PSP? he's been eying dat gadget n i knew it
from his eye, he just wanted to have one. But it's too
most of my money r now gone due to last RAYA... hehehe....
well... wat ever it is... my thoughts that count the most.. kan abe farid ku syg kan????
alah... ni ha present... inside my womb... hehehe.... wait for another 5 months
k darling... we will see the result of our science project dat we've made 4 months ago..
wuhuuuuu!! heehehehehehe....
we never celebrate before so, it doesn't matter wat will we do for our
So, happy 1st Anniversary my dear hubby
may our love n marriage will last forever till the end of time
And ALLAH will bless our life together forever... InsyaALLAH
Oh.. did i mention dat we've celebrate our anniversary during last raya?
our solemnization was on the 3rd syawal in Islamic calender. bought 2 very delicious cakes
1 cakes was for my mom for her 62nd birthday (Happy Birthday ma!!!)
n another was for our anniversary...
yeay to us for having 2 dates to celebrate our anniversary.. hehehehe... ngegade...
Oh.. did i mention dat we've celebrate our anniversary during last raya?
our solemnization was on the 3rd syawal in Islamic calender. bought 2 very delicious cakes
1 cakes was for my mom for her 62nd birthday (Happy Birthday ma!!!)
n another was for our anniversary...
yeay to us for having 2 dates to celebrate our anniversary.. hehehehe... ngegade...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
It Is Official..
This morning, before anything else
I took my urine sample n tested
As predicted, this time around
the result was positive.
so, confirmed n official...
I'm pregnant. and since my last
menstrual date on 30th may 2010
my pregnancy now.. is ...
as per stated in the daisy path on
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
OUR JOURNEY.... episode Two (2)
The year was 2007, early 2007.
In social networking web based called
Friendster, she added all of her friends, juniors and seniors
to be her friend. MRSMPT Alumni (1996-1998).
She added him too but never expected that he'll respond.
He send her a message. She was shocked because nobody
respond with a message like he did.
She don't really care to reply but she did because she couldn’t let him down.
After one reply to another... they become closer... exchanged phone number.
Emails, message, sms n calls.. was a must for them.
Each and everyday they keep on growing the relationship.
From a friend to likes to more than that....
On April 13th, few days from her 24th Birthday.. He said the 4 letter words.
He loved her. And He wanted her to be his girlfriend.
She was afraid to accept his feelings for her because
she was afraid that he might changed after their 1st date.
They’ve set the 1st date on 11th June the same year.
They promised to each other to accept each other no matter what
will happend after the date.
The date had finally arrived and they meet at Mid Valley Megamall.
And the rest was history... since the date... they were madly in love
towards each other....
OUR JOURNEY.... episode One (1)
Barely known each other but
Back then
PRS - Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya
but never talk to each other.
Time passed by...
in the north and
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Yana N Sharil
was officially a mom n dad
to a baby girl
Damia Amani.
tk care of your baby...
to Sharil, take care of Yana
Monday, July 12, 2010
WC 2010 was officially over...
it was this morning when the final two meet head 2 head
in order to claim their 2010 WC. the final two was
Holland and Spain.
Both of them really did deserve to be in the final.
Eventho i kind of hoping for germany to be in the final
with holland.
Gotta praise Spain for their great game. Holland was good too
Spain for the 1st time in How many years??? claim their spot
u guys never failed to give a good game.
Germany got his 3rd spot after defeated Uruguay.
Kudos to South Africa for a great venue. Really enjoy
the aesthetic n great architecture of World Class Stadiums...
For the rest of the people in this whole world n not forgotten to the
Paul the Sutong.... seeya in da next 4 years!!!
Charlize Theron host for the final night. Love her. One of
my fav actress.
my fav actress.
Photos feature for this post are courtesy of these website/URL :
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Brazil Vs. Ivory Coast
was sooo eager to watch the match.
it aired @ 2.30 a.m local time.
we turned on the alarm. waked up but only hubby
watched the game bcoz of technical problem.. hehehehe...
no surprised Brazil won the match - 3 goals n automatically
they're through to the next round. Despite the win, shockingly..
Kaka got the 2nd yellow card, later red card by the ref
n was sent to the bench and worst, it was a brutal match...
hehehe... i dun know coz dunt watch the game...
the word came from my hubby...
no surprise at all though, coz i did watch
ivory vs portugal n the ivorian was soo mean...
Ivory front man drogba claimed his 1st goal for the WC 2010.
good start for a bench warmer before as he recovering from the injury.
hope dat ivory will draw because we want Portugal to be the 2nd
team in Group G qualified to the next round. Ronaldo n team mates MUST
works x-tra harder. They're up againts North Korea tonight. Good feeling for them to win the match.
as the result oso.... we woke up a bit late for work.
but not too late... still acceptable hehehe...
quite schleeppyyy though... hehehehe
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Portugal Vs Ivory Coast
wah... so geram.... why???
hate to see ivory's players.
they keep on attacking ronaldo.
keep on harassing him.
even i can tell how uncomfortable ronaldo was last nite.
ivorian was sooo mean!... shud banned them from WC
for their bad game!..
better luck next time to Portugal.
main elok2 to Ivory.
I hav a great feeling for Brazil n Portugal.
Both a great team n both shud be leaders in Group G.
1st n 2nd spot belongs to them... Hope!
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