

Friday, November 5, 2010


us... me n hubby plus my sisters plus my uppy.. went
to I-city... it was my 2nd time. my 1st doesnt count tho
sbb cuma lalu ngan kete..
went there n see the colors of the lights.. mcm x pnah
tgk lampu??!!  x de la syok sgt tp kagum ngan lampu yg
byk n warna-warni.. took photos n walking round the area
n tgk mcm2 ragam manusia.

before took off, guess who we bump to? MB!
yup MB Selangor. I thot he was small but his big.. hehehe
slalu tgk ms perhimpunan jauh2...ni dekat baru tau
the real size.. hahaha...almost midnite but he still
doing his 'JOB'..seing the rakyat in his Baju batik
oh..wif no bodyguard!..