why d'ya hav to act dat way? he is not nobody,
he is somebody to you. yeah.. i know he is not your
favorite but still, u can not treat him dat way. he is
so young n fragile, he needs attention not ur stupid
way of p******ng. he seek for alternative attention,
u got jealous n u treat him badly. Why?
If u think u r good enuff, pls... stop faking it.
it's doesn't take a genius to know r to learn
how bad u r. u r a the master of all biased in
the whole wide world. treat them equally. why
must u make comparison. it's not fair when
the comparison was actually never happens.
u made it up coz u love her sooo much becouse
she resemble u love one, exactly look alike from
top to toe, from walk to talk, from voice to everything.
u don't do dat. it's wrong n shud never be practice.
u shud've never called him bengong, bangang, stupid,
cacat or any other bad words. he was never the way
u called him but she is n always will. he is a good boy n
does not deserve to be treated badly.
u don't want him? u hate him? u think he bring shame to u?
u want to push him away?, u rejecting him?
I WANT HIM! give him to me. i'll take a real good
care of him, better than u do, best!
u think u got money u own the world? money is nothing..
u can't bring ur money to ur Lubang Kubur!...
wat make me sick the most... u think u r soo perfect.
but the real is... u r not! u r not even close n u'll never
be. u proud of urself, why? i dont c anything that u can
be proud of. u r nothing. u always underestimate others
n make compares to u r wat u have. it's stupid!. u dont
downgrade other people especially him. he deserve the best
n the best only from me, not u. u want to be the best.. don't
skip ur prayer to ALLAH. u don't know how to recite Quran
n barely do dat. i never heard u did that n when u recite
a doa... it's all over the place, u pronounce it poorly.
u.. dont even want to furnish ur skill to read Quran...
that sad!...
I hate u for wat u did to my s******s, i'm mad at u for everything u
did to him. n i'm sad that i couldn't do anything to stop u from
hurting him. i wish i never know u.. but the history has been carved
n i can't turn back time to change... it's written n we all hav to deal
with it.
I hope ALLAH will help him in being a better person, perfect boy, man
but as for u... for wat u've done... burn in hell.
YA ALLAH.... KAU jauhilah aku dengan perangai semacam ini. aku
mahu jadi yang terbaik utk semua orang. aku tidak mahu meninggi diri
atau merendah-rendahkan orang atau menunjuk-nunjuk.