

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

et 20/40

saya telah dengan officially at my 20weeks. so, half way there. next 20 weeks
my beautiful baby will be deliver by me. InsyaALLAH with HIS willing n blessings
both of us akn sihat, sempurna n best shape ever!..

wat had happend to me? ohw last week went to a regular check up n misi dh marh
saya coz of my weight.. it's gaining and i hav got an excessive weight about 1.8kg.
so need to come to the clinic this 27th for another check up. my sis said if my weight
does not stop gaining, i might kena minum air gula. people said, air gula tak sedap.
worst case, u'll vomit, n mabuk back.. saya x nak mengalami another mabuk
experience lagi dh. kalau mabuk utk 2nd child, tak pe... hehehehe..

air liur saya masih x mo brenti. still cannot swallow. so, most of the time mmg saya
mengunyah, drinking more water n worst i took some candy. it's definitely not a good
habit to consume candies becoz sy mungkin akan kena kencing manis.. n saya x nak.
walopon i hav no history of diabetic family background tp itu cukup mengerikan saya.

last weekend buy more clothes, sy dh gile shopping for maternity clothes. hahaha...
konon wanna b a hot preggy mommy.. tp bile pakai, rase cam udoh la plak. huhu..
tgk others pakai cam comel je.... so jeles..

my perut getting bigger n so is my body. i want to eat right. but how? i think my
weight doesnt want to come down bcoz saya sembelit.. huhuhu... sy dh ade ubat,
tp saya takut to take it. my last experiment lead me to a result where i was badly
MABUK, lost my appetite, no energy sampai x boleh jalan. i look bad n sy terpaksa
tinggal pose dat day. masih trauma tp dat was at my three months di saat saya masih
fragile. my sister marah sbb sy x sepatutnya consume the medicine di saat awal
mengandung, that's the price i hav to pay for x dengar cakap. tp... at this age of
pregnancy, saya mahu cuba lagi. Mn tau, jika saya dh x sembelit n my pooping
process berjalan lancar, i might lost my excess weight n dunt hav to drink air gula
lagi dah... mintak2.. aminnnn... saya harap dis time a round my niat yg suci murni
ini akan berjaya, succeed!... InsyaALLAH.
Nntikan resultnye esok... can't wait for tomorrow..