SKT stand for ;
or in english - performance review for year end....
but for me... SKT can be defined as SaKiT..
hehehe... Sakit hati due to Internet problems...
totally sakit hati when... dah siap isi tetibe
hang or time out. owh... terase mau hempas
pc ke lantai... plus... cannot fill the SKT
at home coz it's only applicable via office pc
sahaja.. that's sgt menyusahkan... if not, dh lame
since last 2 weeks till today... it's still a big problems
to everyone at the office. if it is not so important, i'll
be like... ah.. wat the heck.. let it be.... but... it's
totally important. my career is depending to it, my
so pls2 n pls dear pc n internet connection be kind.
so dat, me n my frens can finish our SKT...