back or not... he reluctant n said that he cannot come
home today due to very busy wif meeting n infact when
we were smsing, he was actually in a meeting. he himself
dunno when the meeting will adjourn. but then, he said
may be he'll be home later that nite... so.. i said ok..
then jiera called asking me what to eat. so, i decide to
order for both, me n hubby (walopon x konfem die nk
balik, tetap pesankan mknn) hehehe.. kang die jadi balik
x de makanan naye.. :( ... so, i ordered for myself a prosperity
burger n for him, nasi lemak ayam.
nak d jadikan citer, konfem! hubby x dpt come home...
he got headache la plak.. pening keje kene handle sensorang.
so, i said better not drive malam2 bute just to eat his nasi lemak
hehehehe... baik rest byk2 so dat his headache will go away.
he can always come home pon.. anytime...
this was the burger.... my prey.. hehehe
tetibe aku jadi pelahap mlm tadi...
mule2 makan prosperity.. yg besar itu....
i was like burping all the way walopon not yet
finish stuffing my mouth wif the burger...
then when licin aku bedal.... next... nasi lemak..
syg if tak makan... membazir, plus the nasi lemak
yg x de la sdap sgt tu costed me 4 hengget stengah..
mahal if consider beli kat psr mlm je pon...
i ate the nasi lemak... untill finish them all.. i realize...
i could not move... my stomach was full. it bloated
n almost pecah!! huhuhuhu....
oh nasi lemak, walopon not so good but still habis dilahap.. :))
sian baby had to fight for his/her
tak pe coz mama ate for u.. so pls n pls absorb
all the good minerals n avoid the bad n grew n grew
healthier, prettier, plumper n d list go on...
all photos are courtesy of google.. :))