

Monday, December 13, 2010

et 28 weeks..

so, jarang updating bout my pregnancy...
somethings better left remain unsaid...

my conditions?
my body shape had tremendously changed, i'm getting
bigger each day..
tak lalu makan nasi, tp makan menda lain...
cepat penat, huhuhu...

keep on kicking hehehe.. mommy love it very
much.. at least i know he/she is in a very good conditions
referring to my reading... this is the last trimester.
baby is now so perfect... n starting to gain more
n more body fats... gud job baby... keep on gaining ok!

tomorrow, going for our 2nd scan.
dis time around hubby's comin' along
so he'll coming back after work today..
i wonder how will he react during n after
the scan. tomorrow we'll know bout
our baby's gender. not to late to decide whether
we shud know or not...

waiting for tomorrow.. impatiently heheehehe...