

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saya sangat MALAS...

it's a disease.. yup... n it can't b cure unless u ur ownself decided
to change.

Ya ALLAH... penyakit ini sedang melanda diriku... pls help.
since my last cuti2 raya yg pjng itew... i still can't get into d tune...
msh mode malas2 yang amat sgt. if my bos know my activity yang
tidak sihat ini she'll be xtremely flipped.

arini... cuma dpt siapkan 2 task... which is not even a major task.
the major task.. can't do coz, maklumat tak lengkap...
hav already asked for the missing docs but still didn't get it.
ALASAN... huhuhu... dear GOD pls change my attitude..