

Thursday, December 30, 2010


SKT stand for ;


or in english - performance review for year end....

but for me... SKT can be defined as SaKiT..
hehehe... Sakit hati due to Internet problems...
totally sakit hati when... dah siap isi tetibe
hang or time out. owh... terase mau hempas
pc ke lantai... plus... cannot fill the SKT
at home coz it's only applicable via office pc
sahaja.. that's sgt menyusahkan... if not, dh lame

since last 2 weeks till today... it's still a big problems
to everyone at the office. if it is not so important, i'll
be like... ah.. wat the heck.. let it be.... but... it's
totally important. my career is depending to it, my

so pls2 n pls dear pc n internet connection be kind.
so dat, me n my frens can finish our SKT...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our 1st home.. n wat we did last weekend...

not actually our home... it will be our 1st time to rent a house
it's near my sis house. in fact in a same Taman.
i just can't live far from my sibling coz i knew n realize
dat i'm no independent. my day to day activity rely so much
on my sis plus, more importantly is... i love my nephew so much,
that i culd not accept the fact we had to separate. lambat laun, ya!
i knew we will tp in d meant time... no... uppy's to precious n i
will not let anybody to harm him. he's an angel to me so it's my
responsible n obligation to make sure he will be at his best condition.

back to the house. we have been eying n hunting for the houses
since last bulan puasa. but takde rezeki..the house was a low cost
house. Double strorey wif 3 bedrooms, a toilet n a shower.
it is small but we can accept it... ala, utk permulaan..lagipon umah yg
i hav bought in shah alam since last 2008 tamau siap2... putus hangin...
dah la kecik tp lembap nak siap. if siap pon, i dunt want to live there.
the developer is SPNB.. hampeh.. thot GLC culd help people like
me in owning a house tp... hampeh..

1st option was the house rite in front of my sis's house. it's own
by this Indian couple. i heard that the couple wanted to rent for
RM330/month. tp sejauh mn kbenaran, x sure. the house was equip
with an A/C dlm master b'room je n ready installed awning for car porch.
tunggu punye tunggu the owner datang, tapi tak datang.. x tau la...
tolak rezeki agaknya... no. phone number huhuhu..

2nd option, belong to a malay couple. they had move to other residence..
previewed the whole house butttt.. ekkkkkkk... tak boleh di sewa due to..
so many excuses!... 1 of them... they want to remain their old stuff in one
the room. pastu, umah was soo busuk due to tikus mati? then semut
were all over. we had to clean ourself in n outside especially the
backyard yg sgt2 teruk....lagi? ade some old furniture.. really old
n ugly they said we can use them but cannot buang!.. what?!

the 3rd, belong to a chinese kapel. the house was still rented by other
family at the mo. but they want to move. we waited n waited for 3 months..
the next thing we know.... x nak sewakan rupenye... just for sale... huhu...

the 4th?... hehehe... finally we got it. we'll be moving this comin'
nu year..bought furnitures already... hahahaha... citer furniture pon
sadis n funny jugek...bought them for RM3,099.99 from cavenzi.
Purchased last year 17 july. the package including 2 set queen bedroom,
living n dining room set, a shoe rack n a multi purpose rack. pay them via
12months installment with no interest. more than a year later... i called the
cavenzi caw. carrefour USJ but nobody answer. luckily i went to search
for another alternative n got a hp no. which belong to one of the staff, Razak.
I called n he answer. i told the story behind my purchased. he was nice, x
de mrh2 walopon i expected differently sbb dh over a year baru nak col n
ask them to deliver the products. dia soh ke cavenzi bdr botanic, bcoz he's
working there now.

so, last weekend.. me n hubby along wif jiera n mimah.. went there...
luckily the people there welcome us n the branch manager who was thai
origin, layan us all dengan baik.. =)...he showed us the bedroom sets n all
the furniture n replace some of the item yg dh obsolete. then we bought 2
tilam.... n 2 dining chairs. yeay!....ade lagi yg berkenan d hati tp bile
memikirkan umah tu very2 small n limited spaces...i had to listen to my hubby...
hubby pay for the tilam for us, i pay for the 2 dining chairs n mimah pay for
her tilam. yeay n they cost us for RM1,236.00. set the dilevery date n we were
all hepi.. hehehe...

pas tu perut mule berkeroncong coz since this morning we had not
consume any breakfast. hubby ajak to try chinese food called 'HOMSI'
@ section 13, very near to the Tesco Extra shah alam. kami makan n
makan x hengat.. the food was sedap...can be recommend to others n
we'll definitely come again. lepas makan, kami solat at the restaurant,
when my hubby punye turn utk solat (had to share the prayer room)
kami pon jalan2 to the next shop, little egypt. aku pon boli laaaaa this
decorated mirror which was not too big n not too small but nice enuff.
only costed me RM100 after bargaining wif the tokey kedai. original
price was RM140. so heppi =)... hubby sengeh je aku beli hehehe....

then, next stop we went to mydin USJ utk beli some of house stuff n
most importantly baby's stuff. shoppin' sampai x de duit hehehehe...
total bill RM5++.++. tetibe mengcomparekan the price dengan price
mase warehouse anakku ari tu. tak smpi 5 ratus but we bought loads n
loads of stuff. tetibe rase bertuah sbb pegi jugak to the warehouse sale
wlopon hesitated @ 1st n we do saved a lots!

so skang masuk citer umah balik. the next day tu, me n hubby went
to hardware store, near to our house n beli some paints. mau cat rumah
so dat the rumah eventho x baru, akan nampak baru wif the nu painting...
hopefully =). cubela sedaye upaya to make the rented house as home
as possible hehehehe... ala not much pon coz i'm going to be in the
house during weekend n bile hubby balik aje... the rest of weekdays...
still merempat d rumah orang. x kuasa nk stay home alone.. uhuhuhu..
x besa..n tanak biasakan.. hehehe..

last monday, saya cuti (habiskan cuti tahunan) n took the opportunity
utk start the painting activity wif the help of jiera (master), uppy comel
(penyeri) hehehehe... thanks to her for making my life easier!! so, 1st
floor most of the dinding were all painted wif undercoat except dinding
dekat tangga coz quite hard. n the next day walopon aku x cuti, jiera n
uppy n yasmin continue to paint n berjaya menyiapkan dinding dekat
tangga tu...tenkiu laaaaggggiiiii...

cant' wait for tomorrow sebb esok cuti. walopon jumaat... our PM
has announce n declared that esok cuti umum due to Malaysia'n
football/soccer team won AFF Suzuki Cup for the 1st time...
congrats to the team n thanks sooo much! korang x menang,
kami x cuti... tp korang menang... yay!

Friday, December 24, 2010

congrats to my sis..

the date was 24th Dec 2010.
my oldest sis, Roslawati, Wati @ Kak Ti
gave birth to a baby boy but dunno the name yet.
due to complication, my sis undergo an operation.
EDD is actually around 3rd Jan 2011.
the baby was put under observation due to underweight.
he was only 1.75kg but Alhamdulillah, both mother n
baby were healthy.

my sister is in her forty n she got a severe asthma.
may be this wuld be her last..since she already got
3 boys n 3 girls...plus all d complcations really fret us all.

so, to my sis n her hubby (BIL) n family - congrats ya
4 d nu born.. take of the baby baik2, elok2....

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

saya makan byk sgt malam tadi.... now i'm feeling very guilty..

Yesterday i ask my hubby whether wanted to come
back or not... he reluctant n said that he cannot come
home today due to very busy wif meeting n infact  when
we were smsing, he was actually in a meeting. he himself
dunno when the meeting will adjourn. but then, he said
may be he'll be home later that nite... so.. i said ok..

then jiera called asking me what to eat. so, i decide to
order for both, me n hubby (walopon x konfem die nk
balik, tetap pesankan mknn) hehehe.. kang die jadi balik
x de makanan naye.. :( ... so, i ordered for myself a prosperity
burger n for him, nasi lemak ayam.

nak d jadikan citer, konfem! hubby x dpt come home...
he got headache la plak.. pening keje kene handle sensorang.
so, i said better not drive malam2 bute just to eat his nasi lemak
hehehehe... baik rest byk2 so dat his headache will go away.
he can always come home pon.. anytime...

this was the burger.... my prey.. hehehe

tetibe aku jadi pelahap mlm tadi...
mule2 makan prosperity.. yg besar itu....
i was like burping all the way walopon not yet
finish stuffing my mouth wif the burger...
then when licin aku bedal.... next... nasi lemak..
syg if tak makan... membazir, plus the nasi lemak
yg x de la sdap sgt tu costed me 4 hengget stengah..
mahal if consider beli kat psr mlm je pon...
i ate the nasi lemak... untill finish them all.. i realize...
i could not move... my stomach was full. it bloated
n almost pecah!! huhuhuhu....

oh nasi lemak, walopon not so good but still habis dilahap.. :))

sian baby had to fight for his/her space...tp
tak pe coz mama ate for u.. so pls n pls absorb
all the good minerals n avoid the bad n grew n grew
healthier, prettier, plumper n d list go on...

all photos are courtesy of google.. :))

Monday, December 13, 2010

et 28 weeks..

so, jarang updating bout my pregnancy...
somethings better left remain unsaid...

my conditions?
my body shape had tremendously changed, i'm getting
bigger each day..
tak lalu makan nasi, tp makan menda lain...
cepat penat, huhuhu...

keep on kicking hehehe.. mommy love it very
much.. at least i know he/she is in a very good conditions
referring to my reading... this is the last trimester.
baby is now so perfect... n starting to gain more
n more body fats... gud job baby... keep on gaining ok!

tomorrow, going for our 2nd scan.
dis time around hubby's comin' along
so he'll coming back after work today..
i wonder how will he react during n after
the scan. tomorrow we'll know bout
our baby's gender. not to late to decide whether
we shud know or not...

waiting for tomorrow.. impatiently heheehehe...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

another sad story...

my mother's only brother passed away last friday.
according to Doctor's report he had a stroke n @ 340am
he died..

takziah to Pok Li's famili. tabahkan hatimu semua
for GOD has other plan for him di sana.
InsyaALLAH n harap2 Pok Li akan ditempatkan
di kalangan org2 yang beriman. amin..

Monday, December 6, 2010

owh.. so happy weekend....

this weekend... i loike....
last weekend??? i dislike.. hehehe...

sunggoh seronok.. why??? becoz last saturday.....
me n hubby pagi2 lagi dah wake up n even terskip
our breakfast..yeay...we went to anakku warehouse sale..
which was open near to our house.. we bought loads of
stuff for our baby...
tgk baby ku syg.. mama n papa lov u soo
much, eventho u r still in mommy's womb.. hehehe..
bershopping tak hengat.. but still manage to look around
n see the faces of many people..yang sama2 rakus ngan kami
muahahahaha....if x rakus n gelojoh, none of the things
dapat kt kami.. :). sib baik x sempat breakfast, if had
breakfast already... org len x sempat beli.. all da stuff
are mine... uishhh.. so prasan...

these were the stuff yg berjaya ku sambar b4
anyone else..

1. Anakku Baby stroller
2. Katil baby disney
3. Anakku Baju2 nu born
4. Botol2 susu anakku yg kecik2
5. Rompi baby disney
6. Huggies nu born
7. Disney baby comforter set
8. Pooh boolsters
9. Kasut baby
10. Stokin n sarung tgn baby
11. Lapik getah
12. Disney bed cover
13. Triumph bra
14. Baju n suar utk uppy comel
15. aksesori baby...
16. Anakku thermal bag.....

load of money spent but i must say... that
i couldn't stop smiling n keep on smiling..
puas! satisfied! oh suke hati...

so cheap!.. no wonder people were all so crazy...
it was my 1st warehouse experience. shocked at 1st
but as i go along with all the parents, me myself pon
terikut2.. hehe.. definitely gonna come back for more
warehouse.... muahahaha......

Nway loads of TQ to mr hubby lovey for standing right
beside me in d battlefield! hehehehe