

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Quarantine due to Covid-19

Today mark my latest life lessons. Today is my last day of quarantine after tested negative for the 2nd time for Covid-19, not only me but my whole family in Kampung. Papa, jiera, ecah, my kids, dilah n baby, mok pah, mimah and family. It all started on the 6th of Dec, the day Dilah's Husband Anip came home to get both of them back to Penang after confinement. 

Without any notice, a nite before they took off to penang, Anip friend at work called him after isya' confirming that he tested positive for covid-19. 

2 days after, Anip was tested positive too and we were all needed to do swab test. My kids were all crying out loud when the swab was done. They got traumatized by that especially farah n amir. 

The next day we got the result and it were all negative but still we were ordered to stay home and quarantine ourself for 14days. We got to wear this pink tag on our wrist. 

Pengalaman yang cukup berharga but hopefully the 1st n last. As my kids were traumatized by that especially during the swab test. Our home got sanitize too and the whole house smell like clorox. We had to wear mask almost all the time even in the house. We had divide section and eat separately on single-use utensils. Papa was not really in good health due to his kidney and diabetes. Luckily we support each other well that it became clear to us that this experience also bring us closer emotionally an physically. 

Thank YOU ALLAH for this opportunity and pls heal and freed the whole world from this Covid-19. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

papa warded

Due to multiple complications my papa was admitted. Now on 5 days antibiotics. Pls recover sooner papa. Miss ur nagging, loud voice and everything. Pls come back home sooner. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Arini servis Altis after skipped sekali sbb buat kt bengkel biasa. Wlopon mlabur byk sikit tp puas hari sbb Altis is now at the best condition. Perform the Max check. Next services yg besa2 punye so the urge to service d centre mcm dh x perlu. Selang seli la kot. Bole jimat sikit. 

Kete dh servis tp badan sampai ke sudah x dpt nk service lg. Sedih. Last time scheduled nk tumpang dilah masa sy haji, tp x jadi sbb.... dot dot.. nyampah betul. It was well planned tp bila x dpt joint due to kn korban sbb org yg x important pon in my life mmg rs frustrated and sakit hati. Lagi lah skt hati sbb smpai skang x dpt nk urut lagi... Badan mmg sgt penat, lenguh, sakit, sengal semua ada. I pray that this weekend dpt urut... Ya ALLAH tolonglah... 😢😢😢😢

another covid-19 post

Due to covid-19, going places was no longer an option for us. It's best to stay home and enjoy whatever the local offered. Plus it was my way of supporting the local to boost up the economy for my people. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Jalan2 Musim Covid-19

New norm. Good things so no complain. Keep the hygiene freaking kinda mode alive always.. 

phone casing from oversea via shopee

Bought phone casing for my kids. They really love it. The happy faces was really made my day and satisfied my soul. 

These casing are from China. Due to technologies today, made it possible to purchase from here. So thanks shopee. This shopee (online shopping) thing was no longer an alien. Online shopping was an IT 12 years ago and still relevant till today. And what made it more interesting was now we were able to buy from overseas. Even though the delivery time was quite long but still it was worth for the money. Hopefully in the near future the delivery will took a shorter time. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Adik bongsu kawen...

Semalam, kemarin, Mareng adik bosu kawen.. akad n kenduri terus..
Esok bertandang, ngantar natu ke tanah merah

8/14 of our siblings were taken... 

Selamat pengantin baru su pa. Semoga bhgia sehingga jannah

Friday, August 21, 2020

Saya Anak Malaysia

Today, took all my children + niece for a ride. Then got amir a choc waffle for his late lunch. 

As I drove, turned on the radio and 'saya Anak malaysia' song were on air. 

Balqis "oh lagu merdeka lah"
Mama " no lah, ni lagu Saya Anak Malaysia"
Balqis "ye lah, merdekalah" 
Mama "tak, Saya Anak Malaysia"
Zara "eh, Malaysia ade Anak???"

I was like, pause.......... and just drive. Hahaha... 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

lamo aihhh

Arini 13 Ogos 2020. Dah lama take menulis... Byk benda dh berlaku since my last writing. 

Today my papa admitted due to infections. Doc said maybe due to the bisul. He was scheduled for fistula this Saturday @ husm. Nmpk gaya perlu pospon..

Me? 2019 was not really good to me in a way but ALLAH SWT rewards me with CUTI.. alhamdulillah....

Dis. 2019 started working and was posted in JKR Trg until today.

Balqis is 9 y.o which mean she is in std 3. She was appointed as school prefect.
Zara is 7 y.o and in std 1 and she is pen ketua kelas
Amir is 5 y.o and went pre school in PASTI
Farah is 2 y.o and cuter than ever, prettier every day and more clever each day

2020  -  covid 19. Seisi dunia hidup tunggang trbalik. Hopefully this pandemic, deadly virus will over the soonest.

Tu je LA dlu.. lg pon nak test blogger from new phone hehehe..