

Thursday, August 13, 2020

lamo aihhh

Arini 13 Ogos 2020. Dah lama take menulis... Byk benda dh berlaku since my last writing. 

Today my papa admitted due to infections. Doc said maybe due to the bisul. He was scheduled for fistula this Saturday @ husm. Nmpk gaya perlu pospon..

Me? 2019 was not really good to me in a way but ALLAH SWT rewards me with CUTI.. alhamdulillah....

Dis. 2019 started working and was posted in JKR Trg until today.

Balqis is 9 y.o which mean she is in std 3. She was appointed as school prefect.
Zara is 7 y.o and in std 1 and she is pen ketua kelas
Amir is 5 y.o and went pre school in PASTI
Farah is 2 y.o and cuter than ever, prettier every day and more clever each day

2020  -  covid 19. Seisi dunia hidup tunggang trbalik. Hopefully this pandemic, deadly virus will over the soonest.

Tu je LA dlu.. lg pon nak test blogger from new phone hehehe..