Without any notice, a nite before they took off to penang, Anip friend at work called him after isya' confirming that he tested positive for covid-19.
2 days after, Anip was tested positive too and we were all needed to do swab test. My kids were all crying out loud when the swab was done. They got traumatized by that especially farah n amir.
The next day we got the result and it were all negative but still we were ordered to stay home and quarantine ourself for 14days. We got to wear this pink tag on our wrist.
Pengalaman yang cukup berharga but hopefully the 1st n last. As my kids were traumatized by that especially during the swab test. Our home got sanitize too and the whole house smell like clorox. We had to wear mask almost all the time even in the house. We had divide section and eat separately on single-use utensils. Papa was not really in good health due to his kidney and diabetes. Luckily we support each other well that it became clear to us that this experience also bring us closer emotionally an physically.