

Sunday, September 30, 2012

this is the story of me n pregnancy...

it's my 2nd. yes.. happy. perhaps everything will go smoothly just like
my 1st pregnancy.

untill today i'm at my 13 weeks of pregnancy n my due date according to above
website is on the 10th of April 2013, yup my 30th b'day. and according to dis
app in iphone, my edd will b on the 11th of April 2013. when is my actual due date,
only GOD knows. my concerns r my pregnancy n during labour, hopefully semenya
akan selamat. semoga kali ini, dipermudahkan ALLAH SWT untuk bersalin dan tiada
apa2 masalah. InsyaALLAH.

dis time around, a bit differ compare 2 previous. still mabuk2 though..my body grow
tremendously big. huhuhu... feeling more like i'm fat than preggy. compare to previous,
at this stage.. my body still in shape n no baby bum yet. but is time around, not even
baby bum pon i tink, more like buncit huhhuhuhu... makan jgn cakap, cukup selera
cuma bila berhenti makan, my saliva start to generate but x boleh telan. sudahnya, asik
meludah je.. apepon this is the 'beauty' of pregnancy that a mom shud embrace. not
complaining just sharing..org laki x de rase cenggini n some other women pon did not
experience d same. thank GOD for everything...

sum ppl said dat d best time to reveal preggy news untill 2nd trimester but not for me.
awal2 lagi peeps will notice. cannot hide, so just go on wif d symptom. it's a gud thing though...

13 Weeks Pregnant

Week 13 marks a milestone for your baby-to-be. Developmentally speaking she's no longer an embryo, but a fetus. She's looking—and acting—more and more like a baby every day. She appears to be resting because her eyelids have formed and are fused together, but her arms and legs move and twitch (although you probably can't feel it … yet). She can suck her thumb, too.
Your baby is about the size of a egg! She's growing heavier at around .5 to .8 ounces and is getting longer at about 3 inches long (crown to rump).
fetal development at 13 weeks illustration

Hooray! Your morning sickness should be starting to subside, and miscarriage is less of a risk. Your second trimester will bring both relief and reality. Yes, you're really having a baby! Now that the high-risk period is over, you probably have some pregnancy announcements to make. That is, if you've been able to keep the big news a secret. And if there's a big brother or sister in the house, now is the time to let siblings know that a baby is on the way.
Time to celebrate! You've almost survived your first trimester. Some of your aches and pains may finally be disappearing. You may notice that in place of nausea you're feeling hungry—notorious pregnancy cravings often begin now. As your uterus continues to expand, chances are you're having some troubles with heartburn, indigestion, and flatulence, as well.
A Reason to Celebrate
Many women find the upcoming second trimester of their pregnancies the most enjoyable, as nuisances such as nausea give way to attractive baby bumps and enviable pregnancy glow.
Here are a few reasons why you're feeling so good:
  • Disappearing nausea: Although it's not uncommon for morning sickness to linger into the second trimester, your sick days are probably coming to an end. The reason why? Your body has become accustomed to the increased hormones propelling you into baby-mode.
  • Increased appetite: Now that your nausea is on the way out, it's time to enjoy food again. You may notice that your appetite grows along with your baby-to-be. Bring on the ice cream and pickles!
  • Growing baby bump: Your body's changing inside and out to accommodate your developing baby. Your internal organs shift positions to make room for an expanding uterus, and your skin stretches to allow your bump to grow outward. You're finally not just feeling pregnant—you're looking pregnant, too! "Showing" is probably a relief. People are more likely to hold the door open for you, pass on a sympathetic smile, and even let you cut in line at the grocery store.
  • Lessening breast tenderness: Your breasts went through a big growth spurt during your first trimester that may have left them sore and uncomfortable. They most likely will not increase in size during the second trimester (but they may fill out more); you may notice some "starter" milk or colostrum leaking out of your nipples later in the second trimester as your body readies for baby.
While some pregnancy symptoms fade with time, others don't. You'll still need to take plenty of trips to the bathroom as your growing baby-to-be puts pressure on your bladder. You're also going to continue to feel tired—unfortunately that's a constant during pregnancy—but your baby bump is still small enough that you should be able to rest comfortably. So give yourself a break and relax!
Wanted to share dis too...