

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1st entry on march...

been very bz. trying my all to settle everything
before go on leave. i'm at my 39 weeks of pregnancy.
yesterday, hopefully my last antenatal visit for this term.
this comin' saturday i'll be on my way to balik kampung.
my due date is just around the corner. all stuff shud be
in order now. hopefully everything is going to be
according to plan. i wish for my baby will be deliver/ come
out on 7th march. it's a perfect date for me to deliver...

my worried.... is.... uppy.... sian uppy, me n farid
will not be around for 2 months long to entertain him.
hopefully he'll be fine n perhaps che mah n che lah n che nor
will entertain him for as long as my holiday... after that, i'll
take care the rest. i love uppy so much. he's such a darling
to me. he make me laugh n his presence teaches a lot to me..
cik Ct will never forget uppy n i'll treat u just like my own...
i will always love u no matter what... just keep cik ct in ur heart
n i'll be near to u...
nanti cik ct bwk adik g jenjalan cameron highland, genting, main kolam,
main bola di carrefour, g jenjalan d jusco... ok uppy?
love u... 2 months not that long.. huhuhuhu...

my feelings like roller coaster now... happy to come back
kampung, excited to have a baby but sad to leave uppy.....

hope dat everything will be fine though....insyaALLAH,
GOD is Great, GOD is Merciful.....n GOD is full of LOVE..