feels like yesterday i was at KG. oh.. time so
fast... why? mood for working not yet started.
aduh.... balik office je keje banyak.. why? coz
i had to deal wif 5S. dh la x brape bley nk pick
up heavy things.. so, move slowly la.. if not... i'll
be the suckest of all peeps around. dpt anugerah
staff paling x kemas, messy, serabut n kotor...
who wants that? huhuhu... wif my conditions..
i had to bare it all. n no complaints please....
oh... so happy though coz our solat hajat berjalan
lancar. everybody was very helpful. thanks ma n
papa for their willingness to help her helpless dother..
hehehe... thanks to my hubby for sharing the burden
n the majlis fund too. thanks my siblings for always
there to help me throughout the majlis. thanks to my
relatives especially cik yah, mok long, cik nah n
the rest too... to my in laws for being there n memeriahkan
majlisku yang tak seberape itu... n last but not least
to all peeps yg sudi hadir utk solat hajat n pray for my
health. may God bless u all n bless me too..
insyaALLAH diringankan bebanku semasa bersalin
n ev'rything selamat... aminn...