

Thursday, January 13, 2011

checkin' on my emails..

yesterday x sempat nk buke email
due to my check up. masuk office pun dh petang,
after lunch.

so, today when i check my yahoo mail... i received this
email from PTPTN... yeay! finally the administration cost
can be reduced from 3% to 1% beginning 1st June 2008.
sib baik buke email.. kalu x buke... x tau n my
opportunity might slip away just like that. it's so meaningful
to me.

coz i've always had this feeling of PTPTN being unfair.
i knew all debt must be repay back. my religion teach me
to bayar any hutang before we die. it's an obligation, honesty
n good traits that one shud posses. if PTPTN tak claim pon,
i will pay my debt no excuses! PERIOD!  for me the 3% administration
cost is too much to be imposed especially for a student yang
memegang hak kerakyatan Malaysia. we are Malaysian n we do
deserve the facility. pinjaman is pinjaman, yup.. must pay back
but alangkah bagusnya jika cuma bayar ape yang dipinjam..
PTPTN is not a badan yg mencari keuntungan pon.

with this nu policy, reducing the percentage... i'm quite happy
with it eventho i had to put another effort in making it
possible. at least it culd be reduce n eventho i can only save
very little amount of money. perhaps... nu policy will
come out n this time, u pay for wat u owe not more
than that n for those who had CGPA 3.50 n above will
get discount...this is the way to show the rakyat especially
us..the student, KEPERIHATINAN... x kesah bile nk
implement but the sooner the better hehehehe... tp aku x
dpt mrase pon tak pe at least for my adik2 n my anak2...
for future sake....aminn...

N'way i'm happy for the time being...
dari x dpat lgsung, so... i'm thanking GOD
n sgt bersyukur for wat i get.. :)