Monday, September 18, 2017
Friday, September 15, 2017
2nd trimester
Alhamdulillah... Today mark the 14th week of my pregnancy journey means im in the 2nd trimester. The journey is still far ahead an i have to make sure that both myself n baby inside the womb at the best of health.. In shaa ALLAH.
Thank you ALLAH for this great opportunity again.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
This is the 12 weeks of my pregnancy... The mabuk thingy getting better. Perhaps in my 2nd trimester which will start this middle september my mabuk2 will finally over. In shaa ALLAH.
Terasa lmbt pulak hehehe... Baru je lagi tp dh perasaan nk 9 bulan huhu.
My maternity leave left 30 days only... So i had to plan for my paid leave n unpaid leave wisely. Had to count properly on my monthly expenses. Still in doubt whether to take 2 months r 1 months unpaid leave... Gonna re think n re think.
Actually i would love to have 3 months maternity leave as i can rest well and take a real good care of my little baby before start to work. I need to discuss more with husb n jiera for that reason. Husb for financial support while jiera for physical support with myself n my children n baby.
Above all i hope everything can turn out great, as i can only plan. Praying n hoping so much that ALLAH SWT will grant me ultimate ease while dealing with my everything. Aminnnn... In shaa ALLAH.