

Monday, August 7, 2017

Arini terlebih mabukk... Arghhh tension..
I was fine, untill ade akak kat opis main msk2 pulak..
Due to the smell... Aku tertewas... Terribly mabuk ni...
Feel like crying but i had to stay strong 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Sian amir huhu, siang hari mama keje.. Mlm hari mama isolatedkan diri sbb mabuk.
I love u amir manja mama. Main elok2 ngan kakak. Kakak balqis n zara pls b good to ur brother k. In shaa ALLAH this phase will over soon n mama can b with u babies again..

Mama pon x nak jadi cenggini, but mama had to face this no matter what.

Mama penatttt, mama nk rehat, esok mama keje, kn drive jauh skt dr biasa sbb mama ade kursus d kb. Doakan mama can deal with this ok babies.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Hormones oh hormones

Hormones can be good to you but most of the time hormones drive me crazy. I had to beat it no matter what eventhough i failed sometimes.

I must endure the pain because i know that the end of the day, the reward is beyond words to decscribe. Stay strong all the way and as time goes by, u'll win this battle.

It's the beauty of us, women. So, embrace it.