

Monday, August 25, 2014

Kamelia Sofea

Alhamdulillah my lil sister Karimah had safely deliver a bby girl this morning @640am @ 3kg

I'm so happy for u... Take a real good care of ur bby n urself too.

Tahniah Karimah n Sele on ur new arrival...

My babies!!! Missing u all so very much!!!

Dear my love Balqis n my love Zara....

How r u today?
Mommy wanted 2 apologise 2 both of u...
I'm really sorry that I didn't come back 4 both of u last weekend. Mommy knows though that both of u r doing just fine...
Mommy only wants the best for both of u.

Mommy loves both of u so very much that no loves in this world could compare the love I have for both of u....
Mommy knows that ALLAH is taking a real good care of both of u....

Hugs n kisses....

Friday, August 22, 2014

Eid Mubarak @ office celebration a.k.a CKUB open house

CKUB Aidilfitri celebration. My last raya as CKUB staff. If I came back ..I'll be back as 1 of the guest of honor hahahaha....

I'm gonna miss u all so much n thanks for being such a wonderful friends.....

Monday, August 11, 2014

so sad....

Yes i knew....
i'm  not sure whether u know i knew or not....
i hope u will not do that again...
i pray hard... i pray n pray... will always pray....

why u delete my pics? our pics?

u made me sad... why did u this?
u promise not to.... but u still do it...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Anniversary comes early this year....

Our Anny supposed to be on the 22nd Sept yearly...

But....accordg to Muslim calendar, it was on the 4th of Syawal every year....

Happy 5th anniversary Mr hubby, my darling,my love, my dearest, my 1 n only, love of my life, my soul, my heart, my bestfren... Mohd Farid Abdul Razak...

Thanks So very much for entertaining me, be a good company to me too during our last trip to genting...even tho genting was not fun at all, to have u by my side was perfect enuff for me....

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I miss u!!!!

I dunno whether d decision 2 send both of my precious back 2 my hometown is good r bad..

My instinct tell me dat they'r doin' fine...
They'll be better there compare to here.
I'm not a good mother to them....but I do love them so very much...

I love my dotters soo much that I had to decide wat best for both of them... Due to latest circumstances, I have to...

Balqis n Zara my love... Mama love u so very much. I will be back every weekend for both of u until the day of the great news arrive... I will b back for good n we will never be apart from each other again... Mama will never leave u...

Both of u b good okay.... Mama knows dat u guys will. Both of u r d greatest that ever happen to me. ALLAH's greatest gift, heaven's sent....

Tunggu mama ye sayang... Mama rindukn kamu berdua sgt2..... Jgn nakal2 ye... Nanti kt semua akn kembali brsama semula... In shaa ALLAH...

Love n hugs n kisses,

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Aidilfitri 2014

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri from Us the family... Farid+Siti+Balqis+Zara (hopefully more additional)

May ALLAH SWT bless us always n forever wif a lot of loves, honesty, pureness, trust n all d good things an may all the bad things will go far far away n never comeback to our lives ever again...

Happy anniversary to both of us..Farid n Ct 4th of Syawal....