

Monday, October 10, 2011

QSIC 2011 - rockin' y'all!!

It's in hard rock Penang n co-organised by USM, HBP. So hepi dat i bumped into en. Azlan now a prof. Sr n wif prof rashid n kak nany now sr. Dr.. Gosh, these ppl r my idols in terms of qsing. Respect the ilmu @ 'knowledge' dat they hav so much!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

2nd Anniversary - September 22, 2011

Happy anniversary to both of us. It's been 2 years of ups n downs but we manage to handle our life successfully plus with Balqis by our side made ou love growing even stronger. Hope for the best n the greatest for our life as hubby n wifey!

Thank ALLAH for everything he gave n will give to us! Grateful!!!